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STS-30-NightLaunch.jpgReaching for the Stars...56 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (10 voti)

Counterlight.jpgCounterlight (by Roberto Tremolada)74 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (10 voti)

Venus~0.jpgNight-flight to Venus (by Roberto Tremolada)61 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (10 voti)

The_Messengers.jpgThe Messengers (by Roberto Tremolada)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (10 voti)

Zodiacal_Light_over_NM.jpgZodiacal Light over New Mexico54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (10 voti)

ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-ZZ-Where-mer_2008258_lrg.jpgWhere is this Place?!?55 visiteUn altro (speriamo simpatico...) Space-Quiz per i nostri Lettori: secondo Voi, a quale Regione di Marte si riferisce questa (spettacolare) ripresa?MareKromium     (10 voti)

Lonelyness.jpgRiver of Oblivion (by Roberto Tremolada)107 visite"...Omnia fert Aetas: animum quoque..."
"...Il Tempo porta via ogni cosa, inclusa la Memoria..." (trad. libera)MareKromium     (10 voti)

Giants-2.jpgOn the shoulders of Giants (by Roberto Tremolada)79 visite"...Dov'è la Grandezza dell'Uomo, se non nella sua Capacità di Sognare?!?..."
MareKromium     (10 voti)

Big_Dipper-1.jpgThe "Big Dipper"...again!54 visiteCaption NASA:"Why would the dome of a telescopic observatory appear translucent red? As one of the telescopes of the Etscorn Observatory of New Mexico Tech waited to inspect small portions of the night sky, playful observers decided to make this unusual image. Tricks needed to create this seemingly impossible shot included opening the observatory dome slightly, using a red light to illuminate the inside of the dome, spinning the dome, and using a long exposure. The open slit in the dome then allowed the camera to incrementally image the inside of the observatory, including the telescope. A fortuitous break in the clouds allowed the stars of the Big Dipper asterism to shine through". MareKromium     (10 voti)

Moon_Planets.jpgPlanets...53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (10 voti)

Gliese-581-1.jpgSunrise from Gliese 581c82 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (10 voti)

The_Sun.jpgPartial Eclipse55 visiteCaption NASA:"On Monday, March 19, 2007, shortly before the Equinox, locations in Asia and the Arctic were favoured by the New Moon's shadow during a partial Solar Eclipse. Although the view from Goa, India, found the eclipsed Sun near the horizon, photographer Joerg Schoppmeyer was still able to capture this lovely image, combining celestial with terrestrial silhouettes.
The next eclipse season will begin in late August this year, featuring a total Lunar Eclipse on August 28, and another partial solar eclipse on September 11. Compared to the March 19th eclipse, the September 11th eclipse will be seen on the other side of our fair planet, from parts of South America and Antarctica".     (10 voti)
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