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Saturn-PIA08270.jpgNight-flight around Saturn...53 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Saturn's shadow cuts sharply across the Rings in this remarkable night side view.
The Planet's Northern Latitudes are in darkness in the upper portion of this scene, while the Southern reaches are bathed in Ringshine. On the left, Sunlight filters through the Rings, and on the right the Rings are blocking the reflected Ringshine in the shadow of Saturn. The overexposed, sunlit crescent at lower left marks the transition from Saturnian day to night.
Mimas hovers below center - a tiny bauble, ornamenting the Ringed Giant.
The image was taken in visible green light with the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera on August 19, 2006 at a distance of approx. 1,5 MKM (about 1 MMs) from Mimas and 1,7 MKM (about 1,1 MMs) from Saturn.
Image scale is roughly 92 Km (about 57 miles) per pixel on Mimas and approx. 103 Km (about 64 miles) on Saturn".

OPP-SOL1419-1P254154396EFF8884P2418R2M1.jpgRazorblades, on the edge of Victoria - Sol 1419 (MULTISPECTRUM; credits: Lunexit)58 visiteLa roccia che vedete alla Dx del frame presenta, sul suo lato lungo, una lunga serie di quelle curiose escrescenze lamellari che gli Scienziati di Pasadena hanno battezzato, sin dai tempi dell'esplorazione del Cratere Endurance, come "Razorblades" (ossìa: "lamette da/per rasoio").
La motivazione scientifica di supporto alla spiegazione relativa alla formazione delle "Razorblades" di Endurance fu in individuata nell'esistenza e nel transito di acque correnti, in epoche remote, lungo le pareti ed i Pavimenti del Cratere stesso (nota: le Razorblades, secondo a questa teoria, sarebbero la rimanenza visibile di un accumulo di sali e detriti vari i quali, trasportati da correnti "vive" (ma meglio sarebbe dire "modestissimi rivoli d'acqua"), si sono - nel tempo - ammassati e compattati sui lati dei pavimenti (i quali, di fatto, fungevano da "miniargini" per questi rivoletti di acqua sporca) sino a formare, sui loro bordi, queste "escrescenze".
La costruzione NASA a noi è sempre sembrata ragionevole (soprattutto avendo ben presente la morfologia delle Razorblades di Endurance e la loro collocazione sul suo Paving); tuttavia, se osservate le Razorblades di questo frame - e di altri relativi al Cratere Victoria - non dovrebbe risultarVi difficile notare come l'ipotesi degli Amici di Pasadena, vista la configurazione dei Pavimenti di Victoria, improvvisamente viene a perdere credibilità ed "appeal".
E si: perchè se le Razorblades si fossero formate davvero a seguito di depositi di sali e detriti trasportati da rivoli (anche deboli, ma certo duraturi) d'acqua corrente, allora dovrebbe essere anche possibile individuare, tramite le immagini, il "letto" - piccolo sinchè si vuole, ma certo esistente - del rivolo d'acqua che concorse alla loro formazione.
Minuscoli "letti" che, per Endurance, erano - in parte - visibili, ma che qui, su Victoria, non si vedono proprio.
Certo, l'ipotesi NASA resta - lo riconosciamo tranquillamente - resta la più logica e la più sensata; però un'ipotesi che sia foriera di Verità Scientifiche dovrebbe resistere e confermarsi al sussistere di condizioni di riferimento analoghe od affini.
Il che, purtroppo, in questo caso di specie sembra proprio che non avvenga.MareKromium

Dione-N00119793.jpgCross-Worlds! (9)53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

OPP-SOL864-1P204905946EFF73O9P2662L3M1.jpgBright Sky, Dark Horizon... - Sol 86453 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Left PanCam Non-linearized Full frame EDR acquired on Sol 864 of Opportunity's mission to Meridiani Planum at approximately 18:01:23 MLT; camera commanded to use Filter 3 (673 nm)".

Titan-PIA11542.jpgEnchanted Titan (Natural Colors; credits: Lunar Explorer Italia)57 visiteCaption NASA:"The Cassini Spacecraft looks toward Fensal and Aztlan, two dark areas near the Equator of Titan.
Like other albedo features on Titan, these areas are named after enchanted places or paradises from legends and myths from the World's Cultures. Fensal, the name of the area on the left, is a magnificent mansion in Norse mythology. Aztlan, the name of the dark area on the right of the image, is an Aztec mythical land.
Lit Terrain seen here is mostly on the Leading Hemisphere of Titan. North on Titan is up and rotated 38° to the left.
The image was taken with the Cassini Spacecraft narrow-angle camera on May 25, 2009 using a spectral filter sensitive to wavelengths of Near-InfraRed light centered at 938 nanometers.
The view was acquired at a distance of approx. 1,3 MKM (about 808.000 miles) from Titan and at a Sun-Titan-Spacecraft, or Phase, Angle of 25°.
Image scale is roughly 8 Km (about 5 miles) per pixel".MareKromium

Meridiani_Planum-PIA13598-PCF-LXTT.jpgOpportunity's "Martian Traverse" through Sol 2442 (Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)70 visiteThe white line on this map shows where NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity has driven from the place where it landed in January 2004 - inside Eagle Crater, at the lower left end of the track - to where it reached on the 2442nd Martian Day, or Sol, of its work on Mars (such as December 6, 2010).
The map covers an area about 14 Km (approx. 8,7 miles) wide.
South is at the top.
An Eastward drive of 124 meters (405 feet) on Sol 2442 brought Opportunity to within about 550 meters (1800 feet) of Santa Maria Crater.
Santa Maria, with a diameter about of about 90 meters (295 feet), is nearly as big as Endurance Crater, which Opportunity entered and explored from June to December 2004.
The Sol 2442 drive brought Opportunity's Total Odometry to 25,92 Km (such as 16,11 miles). The long-term destination of the Mission since mid-2008 has been Endeavour Crater, still more than 6 Km (about 3,7 miles) away. The western edge of Endeavour appears in the upper right, including Ridges that are part of the Crater's eroded Rim. This Crater is about 22 Km (approx. 14 miles) in diameter, dwarfing the largest crater that Opportunity has visited so far, Victoria, which is about 800 meters (approx. half a mile) in diameter. Opportunity explored the Rim and interior of Victoria from mid-2006 to mid-2008.
The base map for this traverse map is a mosaic combining images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera and the Context Camera, both on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. It is used by Tim Parker of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, for mapping each of Opportunity's drives based on images taken by the rover after the drive.
Opportunity completed its three-month prime mission in April 2004 and has continued operations in extended missions since then. JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the Mars Exploration Rover Project for the NASA Science Mission Directorate, Washington. The University of Arizona, Tucson, operates the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment. Malin Space Science Systems, San Diego, operates the Context Camera.MareKromium

SOL0060-2P131684191EFF1155P2215L6M1.jpgGusev's Surface and the Sky above - Sol 60 (Virtual Illumination; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)94 visiteQuesta colorizzazione è stata integralmente ottenuta mediante l'impiego di Luci Virtuali.MareKromium

ESP_013726_1475_RED_abrowse.jpgGullies and Flow Features on an Unnamed Crater Wall (Natural Colors; credits: Lunexit)57 visiteThis HiRISE image shows a sample of the variety and complexity of processes that may occur on the walls of Martian Craters, well after the impact crater formed.
At the very top of the image is the high Crater Rim; at the bottom of the image is the Crater's Central Peak - a dome of material rising above the surrounding Crater Floor uplifted during the impact event. Reaching down the Walls of the crater are windy and crooked troughs, or Gullies. Some of these Gullies may have formed with the help of liquid water, melted from ice or snowpack on the Crater Walls or from groundwater within the Walls. Also notable is the long tongue-like lobe stretching down the middle of the image, with a darker, rounded snout, and prominent parallel grooves on its surface. These characteristics, together with faint cracks on its surface, suggest that this lobe may have formed by movement of ice-rich material from up on the Crater Wall down to the floor.
Because surface features on this lobe, as well as most Gullies, do not appear sharp and pristine, and wind-blown dunes have blown up on the front snout of the lobe, and because there are several small craters on the lobe's surface, the movement of ice-rich material, and possibly water, have probably not occurred very recently.

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Mars-9~0.jpgMars, Deimos and Phobos142 visitenessun commentoMareKromiumFeb 04, 2024

Voyagers-InterstellarSpace9-jpg.jpgVoyager 1 is still alive!112 visitenessun commentoMareKromiumFeb 04, 2024

Voyagers-InterstellarSpace8d.jpgThe Infinite and Beyond129 visitenessun commentoMareKromiumFeb 04, 2024

SOL0099-Mars_Perseverance_ZR2_0099_0675742510_553ECM_N0040218ZCAM01000_026080J.jpgSol 99 - Martian Sunny Afternoon104 visiteNASA's Mars Perseverance Rover acquired this image using its Right (Dx) MastCam-Z camera. MastCam-Z is a pair of cameras located high on the Rover's Mast.
This image was acquired on May 31, 2021 (Sol 99) at the Local Mean Solar Time of 16:08:16.MareKromiumGen 02, 2024

SOL0099-Mars_Perseverance_ZL0_0099_0675742205_223ECM_N0040218ZCAM08060_079085J.jpgSol 99 - Broken...120 visiteNASA's Mars Perseverance rover acquired this image using its Left (Sx) MastCam-Z camera. MastCam-Z is a pair of cameras located high on the Rover's Mast.
This image was acquired on May 31, 2021 (Sol 99) at the Local Mean Solar Time of 16:03:28.MareKromiumGen 02, 2024

Enceladus-PIA20522enceladusC.jpgCrescent Enceladus (Credits: NASA/JPL/Cassini Imaging Team)116 visitePeering from the shadows, the Saturn-facing hemisphere of tantalizing inner moon Enceladus poses in this Cassini spacecraft image. North is up in the dramatic scene captured during November 2016 as Cassini's camera was pointed in a nearly sunward direction about 130,000 kilometers from the moon's bright crescent. In fact, the distant world reflects over 90 percent of the sunlight it receives, giving its surface about the same reflectivity as fresh snow. A mere 500 kilometers in diameter, Enceladus is a surprisingly active moon. Data and images collected during Cassini's flybys have revealed water vapor and ice grains spewing from south polar geysers and evidence of an ocean of liquid water hidden beneath the moon's icy crust.MareKromiumDic 31, 2023

Moonlight.jpgDistortions... (Image Credit & Copyright: Giacomo Venturin)128 visite"...L'usanza comune a molti letterati di disprezzare il mondo moderno e' una maniera dissimulata di presumersi degni di un altro migliore..."
Aristide GabelliMareKromiumDic 31, 2023

SOL0805-WB-Mars_Perseverance_ZR0_0805_0738401772_785EBY_N0391170ZCAM08826_0340LMJ.jpgSol 805 - Dusty Landscape (White-Balanced Colors - Credits for the additional process and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga/LXTT/JPL))185 visitenessun commentoMareKromiumDic 31, 2023
