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Solar_Eclipse_1999-MIR.jpgMacular Degeneration on a Planetary Scale141 visiteCaption NASA, from "NASA - Picture of the Day" del giorno 2 Gennaio 2011:"Here is what the Earth looks like during a Solar Eclipse.
The shadow of the Moon can be seen darkening part of Earth. This shadow moved across the Earth at nearly 2000 Km-per-hour.
Only observers near the center of the dark circle can see a Total Solar Eclipse - others see a Partial Eclipse where only part of the Sun appears blocked by the Moon.
This spectacular picture of the 1999 August 11 Solar Eclipse was one of the last ever taken from the Mir Space Station. The two bright spots that appear on the upper left are thought to be Jupiter and Saturn. Mir was deorbited in a controlled re-entry in 2001".MareKromium     (11 voti)

The_Mono_Lake.jpgThe "Mono" Lake120 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (11 voti)

Sunset-PCF-01.jpgSunset from Legnano (Absolute Natural Colors; credits: Dr Paolo C. Fienga)183 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (11 voti)

Lunar_Rover.jpgLuna-1 (Special Processing by Dr Marco Faccin)73 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (11 voti)

Neptune_and_Triton-NC-LXT.jpgFather and Son, in an Ocean of Darkness: Neptune and Triton (Natural Colors; credits: Lunexit)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (11 voti)

Vision.jpgGalactic Vision59 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (11 voti)

Darkness-0.jpgMidnight-Sun over Vastitas (by Dr Marco Faccin)59 visiteDue ricostruzioni della "gelida - e buia - alba" sopra Vastitas Borealis le quali, con tutto il rispetto per la NASA e le sue "elaborazioni", sono semplicemente splendide. Forse le due più belle interpretazioni mai realizzate sino ad ora.
Un grande complimento ed un abbraccio al sempre più "magico" Dr Marco Faccin!MareKromium     (11 voti)

Darkness-1.jpgMidnight-Sun over Vastitas (by Dr Marco Faccin)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (11 voti)

Spacer.jpgHappy Easter 2008! (by Giorgio Picciau)55 visiteUn Saluto ed un Augurio "UFO-Roboticamente Spaziali" di Buona Pasqua 2008, a Tutti gli Amici di Lunar Explorer Italia, da parte del bravissimo ed immaginifico "Artista del Cosmo", Giorgio Picciau!
Un grande complimento a Lui, per questa bella e romantica "Visione" che - ne siamo certi - ci riporterà tutti indietro di qualche anno, "...quando le cose erano (forse) più semplici ed i cieli (di certo) erano più limpidi".
MareKromium     (11 voti)

The-Red-Moon.jpgEclipsed Moonlight (by Jerry Lodriguss)55 visiteCaption NASA:"Moon watchers blessed with clear skies over the Americas, Europe, Africa and Western Asia enjoyed a total lunar eclipse.
Catching eclipsed moonlight, astroimager Jerry Lodriguss offers this view of the inspiring celestial event with the shadowed Moon accompanied by wandering planet Saturn at the left, and bright Regulus, alpha star of the constellation Leo, above.
The engaging composite picture was made by combining a filtered, telephoto image of the Moon and surrounding starfield with a telescopic exposure. The combination dramatizes the reddened moonlight while clearly showing the variation of brightness and color in Earth's not-so-dark shadow across the lunar surface".MareKromium     (11 voti)

Aurora_Borealis-2.jpgAurora Borealis over Juneau55 visiteCaption NASA:"Some auroras can only be seen with a camera. They are called sub-visual and are too faint to be seen with the unaided eye. The reason is that the human eye only accumulates light for a fraction of a second at a time, while a camera shutter can be left open indefinitely. When photographing an already picturesque scene above Juneau, Alaska, USA, a camera caught green sub-visual aurora near the horizon. Auroras are sparked by energetic particles from the Sun impacting the magnetic environment around the Earth. Resultant energetic particles such as electrons and protons rain down near the Earth's poles and impact the air.
The impacted air molecules temporarily lose electrons, and when oxygen molecules among them reacquire these electrons, they emit green light. Auroras are known to have many shapes and colors". MareKromium     (11 voti)

CometHolmes-UZ~0.gifForest and Sky54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (11 voti)
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