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Craters-Unnamed_Crater-AB107707-00-PCF-LXTT.jpgUnnamed Crater with wide Dunefield (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)84 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (2 voti)

Echus_Chasma-PIA08022-2-PCF-LXTT.jpgEchus Chasma (Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)71 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (2 voti)

HomePlate-s1200095_home_plate_resolution_065mt.jpgHome Plate, from orbit54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium     (2 voti)

Terra_Cimmeria-Gullies-PIA02919-3.jpgGullies in Terra Cimmeria (Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunar Explorer Italia)54 visiteCaption originale NASA:"This MGS-MOC image shows two suites of gullies within a single impact crater in the Terra Cimmeria Region. The gullies near the top of the image are located on the northern wall of the crater, while the lower suite resides on a lower bench in the crater's northern wall complex. Gully erosion has cut into the layered rock exposed on the crater wall. Water may have been involved in their formation".
Location near: 38,2° South; 190,6° West
Image width: ~3 Km (~1,9 mi)
Illumination from: upper left
Season: Southern SummerMareKromium     (2 voti)

Gullies-Hellas_Planitia-MGS~2.jpgGullies in Hellas Planitia (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr G. Barca - Lunexit Team)54 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This MGS-MOC image shows neighboring networks of gullies in the NorthWestern wall of a South, middle-latitude, crater West of Hellas Planitia. The faint crisscrossing streaks, also observed on the wall of the crater, are evidence of passing Dust Devils, a common phenomena in this Region.
The gullies might have formed by erosion caused by running water, mixed with debris".
Location near: 54,0° South; 337,1° West
Image width: ~3 Km (~1,9 mi)
Illumination from: upper left
Season: Southern SummerMareKromium     (2 voti)

Inca-City-M0306902-01.jpgA true "South Polar Oddity": Inca City (3 - False Colors)53 visiteThe Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) has provided new information about the "Inca City" ridges, though the camera's images still do not solve the mystery. The new information comes in the form of a MOC red wide angle context frame taken in Mid-Southern Spring (Image 1). The MOC image shows that the "Inca City" ridges, located at 82° South and about 67° West (293° East), are part of a larger circular structure that is about 86 Km (about 53 mi) across. It is possible that this pattern reflects an origin related to an ancient, eroded meteor impact crater that was filled-in, buried, then partially exhumed. In this case, the ridges might be the remains of filled-in fractures in the bedrock into which the crater formed, or filled-in cracks within the material that filled the crater. Or both explanations could be wrong. While the new MOC image shows that "Inca City" has a larger context as part of a circular form, it does not reveal the exact origin of these Striking and Unusual Martian Landforms.     (2 voti)

Dunes-S20-00165d-_acquired_july_2006-_11-8-06-A.jpgDark Dunefield? (Original NASA/MGS/MSSS b/w Frame)68 visiteA nostro parere la "chiazza scura" che ci è stata segnalata dal Dr Barca e che caratterizza un'ampia porzione di questo frame non è un'ombra, bensì - dopo aver operato alcune comparazioni visive con altri frames similari - un "affioramento" di un qualche tipo (una "macchia" della superficie - simile ai "seeps" - che può essere indice della presenza di idrocarburi affioranti o, più spesso, dell'esposizione del suolo post evaporazione di ghiacci superfciali o sublimazione di ghiacci di CO2); da non escludersi la possibilità che si tratti di un reticolato - non risolvibile con questa bassa definizione - di Dark Dunes (insomma: un Dunefield a bassa albedo).
Le uniche ombre significative ed oggettivamente visibili dalle varie Sonde che orbitano attorno a Marte sono quelle di Deimos e Phobos, quando producono una Eclissi Solare. Tuttavia, esaminando qualche frames relativo ad Eclissi viste dall'orbita, si può notare che quando le lune di Marte proiettano ombra sulla Superficie del Pianeta, l'effetto visivo è molto diverso da quello che vediamo in questo frame.     (2 voti)

Craters-Unnamed_Craters-Syrtis_Major.jpgUnnamed Craters in Syrtis Major Planum (Original NASA/MGS/MSSS b/w Frame)53 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This MGS-MOC image shows a portion of Syrtis Major Planum, dominated in this area by two Impact Craters of differing age. The large one is about 1,3 Km (approx. 0,8 miles) in diameter, the smaller is about 250 mt (~820 feet) across.
The smaller Unnamed Crater has a well-defined Ejecta Blanket and Rays emanate outward from its center. The larger Unnamed Crater does not exhibit these features. The larger one is older, and its Ejecta Blanket and Rays have been removed and degraded over time".
Location near: 5,4° North; 294,2° West
Image width: ~3 Km (~1,9 mi)
Illumination from: upper left
Season: Northern Spring     (2 voti)

North_Polar_Features-Frosted_Dunes-Plumage-MGS.JPGNorth Polar "Frosted Dunes" (Original NASA/MGS/MSSS b/w Frame)55 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This MGS-MOC image shows Dunes in the North Polar Region of Mars. The Dunes in this scene are covered by a layer of Carbon Dioxide Frost that accumulated during the Winter in 2005. Dark spots indicate areas where Frost has begun to sublime away. In Summer, the Dunefield will be dark, as all of the Frost will be gone and the Iron- and Magnesium-bearing Silicate Sands will be exposed".
Location near: 81,9° North Lat. and 226,1° West Long.
Image width: ~3 Km (~1,9 mi)
Illumination from: lower left
Season: Northern Spring     (2 voti)

Aeolian_Features-Dust_Devil-Argyre_Planitia.JPGDust Devil in Argyre Planitia (Original NASA/MGS/MSSS b/w Frame)60 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This MGS-MOC image shows Dust Plumes created by gusting winds on a Plain SouthWest of Argyre Planitia".
Location near: 67,0° South; 75,2° West
Image width: ~3 Km (~1,9 mi)
Illumination from: upper left
Season: Southern Autumn     (2 voti)

Chaotic_Terrain-Aram_Chaos-R2200155-11.jpgThe "Many Faces" of Aram Chaos (12 - EDM n. 11 - Original NASA/MGS/MSSS b/w Frame)63 visitenessun commento     (2 voti)

Chaotic_Terrain-Aram_Chaos-R2200155-02.jpgThe "Many Faces" of Aram Chaos (3 - EDM n. 2 - Original NASA/MGS/MSSS b/w Frame)54 visiteUna speculazione ulteriore del Dr Skipper è che una possibile forma di Civiltà Indigena Marziana stia cercando di "salvare il salvabile", ossìa - impiegando sistemi e tecnologie che non riusciamo a comprendere (nè a vedere) - stia tentando in tutti i modi di mantenere almeno un minimo di acque correnti sulla superficie di Marte.
"If so and there are actually extensive civilization populations on Mars, it may seem strange at first blush that so many of them appear to be so focused on water on such a generally arid planet to the point of even getting in the water that is left with their developments. On the other hand, if these populations have historically been part of this drying planetary reality for a very long time and have a historical memory base of more water plentiful times, it may be understandable that they may a bit compulsively try to preserve as much as possible a current semblance of the older loved conditions. Of course there may be other reasons as well"     (2 voti)
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