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SOL872-1.jpgVolcanic Landscape - Sol 872 (natural colors; credits: Dr Marco Faccin)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

SOL872-2.jpgVolcanic Landscape - Sol 872 (MULTISPECTRUM; credits: Dr Marco Faccin and Lunexit)53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

Titan-Cryovolcanism_Map-PIA11702.jpgActive Cryovolcanism on Titan?53 visiteCaption NASA:"The Cassini Radar Mapper imaged Titan on Feb. 22, 2008 (as shown on the left) and April 30, 2006 (as shown on the right).
These radar images show the outlines of Regions "1" and "2" identified by Cassini's VIMS (such as the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer) and inferred to be variable (see VIMS flat map, PIA11701), and which have been hypothesized to be due to cryovolcanic activity. The lobate, flow-like features in Region 1 are consistent with this interpretation.
Region 1 is just north of the feature named Hotei Arcus and is centered on 28° South Lat. by 78° West Long.
The Region is about 400 Km (approx. 249 miles) across. Region 2 is on the western part of Xanadu and is centered on 7° South Lat. by 135° West Long. This region is about 900 Km (approx. 560 miles) across. In both cases, North is up, and features as small as 300-500 meters can be resolved".MareKromium
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