Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "sulphates," |

OPP-SOL841-1R202845001EFF71HUP1302L0M1.jpgSand and "salt" everywhere! - Sol 84178 visiteCaption originale:"Left Rear HazCam Non-linearized Full frame EDR acquired on Sol 841 of Opportunity's mission to Meridiani Planum at approximately 12:45:56 MLT".

OPP-SOL842-1N202934767EFF71HUP1692L0M1.jpgSalty tracks on the way to Victoria - Sol 84253 visitenessun commento

SOL1184-2N231477051EFFATACP1920R0M1.jpgWhite "splat" near Spirit - Sol 118453 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
3 immagini su 1 pagina(e) |