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0250-Emoticon.jpgEmoticon (High-Def-3D; credits: Dr M. Faccin & Lunar Explorer Italia)97 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

Channels-Unnamed_Channels_and_Cracks-PIA07389.jpgMartian "Tori" (Original NASA/JPL/ASU b/w Frame)85 visitenessun commento

Channels_and_Cracks-Elysium_Planitia-PCF-LXTT.jpgChannels and Cracks in Elysium Planitia (Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)77 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

Chaos-Aurorae_Chaos-PIA08485-PCF-LXTT-1.jpgLandslide in Aurorae Chaos (Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)179 visiteImage information: VIS instrument;
Latitude: 6,7° South Lat.;
Longitude: 328,8° East;
Resolution: 18 meter/pixel. MareKromium

Chaotic_Region-Dark_Slope_Streaks-Lycus_Sulci-PCF-LXTT.jpgDark Slope-Streaks in Lycus Sulci (Enhanced Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)155 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

Chaotic_Terrain-Aram_Chaos-PIA02175-00.jpgFeatures of Aram Chaos (Original NASA/JPL/ASU b/w Frame)54 visiteCaption NASA:"This image of part of Aram Chaos shows two different surface textures with distinctly different brightnesses. The lighter layer appears to be on top (therefore younger) than the darker surface".
Image information: VIS instrument;
Latitude: 2,1° North;
Longitude: 338,7° East;
Resolution: 17 meter/pixel.

Chaotic_Terrain-Aram_Chaos-PIA02175-01.jpgFeatures of Aram Chaos (Enhanced Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team) 160 visiteCaption NASA:"This image of part of Aram Chaos shows two different surface textures with distinctly different brightnesses. The lighter layer appears to be on top (therefore younger) than the darker surface".
Image information: VIS instrument;
Latitude: 2,1° North;
Longitude: 338,7° East;
Resolution: 17 meter/pixel.

Chaotic_Terrain-Aram_Chaos-PIA08760-00.jpgFeatures of Aram Chaos (Original NASA/JPL/ASU b/w Frame)53 visiteImage information: VIS instrument;
Latitude: 3,8° North;
Longitude: 339,0° East;
Resolution: 18 meter/pixel.

Chaotic_Terrain-Aram_Chaos-PIA08760-01.jpgFeatures of Aram Chaos (Enhanced Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team) 155 visiteImage information: VIS instrument;
Latitude: 3,8° North;
Longitude: 339,0° East;
Resolution: 18 meter/pixel.MareKromium

Chaotic_Terrain-Aram_Chaos-PIA14149-PCF-LXTT.jpgAram Chaos (Enhanced Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)243 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

Chaotic_Terrain-Aram_Chaos-R1501664-00.jpgThe "Many Faces" of Aram Chaos (1 - Original NASA/MGS/MSSS CTX b/w Frame)60 visiteVi avevamo già parlato, in passato, degli studi fatti da un tale Dr Joseph Skipper sia sulla Luna che su Marte. Si trattava - e si tratta - di analisi fotografiche seguite da analisi (giustamente) speculative sul "che cosa si veda effettivamente" in tanti frames NASA.
RinviandoVi al Sito del Dr Skipper per la lettura di tutta la sua (notevole e ben argomentata) teorizzazione - www.marsanomalyresearch.com - abbiamo deciso di proporVi nelle nostre pagine una "summa" di una sua inchiesta, prendendo ad esempio le spettacolari immagini di una porzione della enigmatica Regione Marziana conosciuta come Aram Chaos.
E' evidente che su alcuni dati ed aspetti siamo in accordo con lui; per altri dati ed aspetti, no: ma questo fa parte della Umana Natura, non credete?
Caption originale:"MOC red wide-angle context image R22-00156 -
Local True Solar Time: 14:35 (approx)
Emission angle: 18.05°
Incidence angle: 43.52°
Phase angle: 35.00°
Spacecraft altitude: 388,48 Km
Slant distance: 406,36 Km

Chaotic_Terrain-Aram_Chaos-R2200155-02.jpgThe "Many Faces" of Aram Chaos (3 - EDM n. 2 - Original NASA/MGS/MSSS b/w Frame)54 visiteUna speculazione ulteriore del Dr Skipper è che una possibile forma di Civiltà Indigena Marziana stia cercando di "salvare il salvabile", ossìa - impiegando sistemi e tecnologie che non riusciamo a comprendere (nè a vedere) - stia tentando in tutti i modi di mantenere almeno un minimo di acque correnti sulla superficie di Marte.
"If so and there are actually extensive civilization populations on Mars, it may seem strange at first blush that so many of them appear to be so focused on water on such a generally arid planet to the point of even getting in the water that is left with their developments. On the other hand, if these populations have historically been part of this drying planetary reality for a very long time and have a historical memory base of more water plentiful times, it may be understandable that they may a bit compulsively try to preserve as much as possible a current semblance of the older loved conditions. Of course there may be other reasons as well"
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