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EnckeCometTailRipoff_movie_short.gifComet Encke encounters a CME54 visiteCaption NASA:"Swinging inside the orbit of Mercury, on April 20th, 2007, periodic comet Encke encountered a blast from the Sun in the form of a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). When CMEs, enormous clouds of energetic particles ejected from the Sun, slam into Earth's magnetosphere, they often trigger auroral displays.
But in this case, the collison carried the tail of the comet away.
The tail was likely ripped off by interacting magnetic fields rather than the mechanical pressure of the collision.
This a GIF-movie showing the remarkable event as recorded by the Heliospheric Imager onboard the STEREO A spacecraft. In the movie, the time between frames is about 45 minutes, while the frames span about 14x20 MKM at the distance of the comet. Of course, similar collisions have happened before as the ancient comet loops through its 3,3 year solar orbit. So don't worry, Encke's tail will grow back!".MareKromium

Milky_Way.gifSetting Milky Way53 visite"...Non c'รจ via che porti alla sopravvivenza cosciente dell'Anima, se non quella del lento, spesso doloroso, ma certo consapevole, abbandono delle cose terrene..."
P.C. Floegers - "Conversations for Tomorrow"

SgrA_sharp_big.gifMovements near the Galaxy Center65 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Why are these stars moving so fast? Shown above is a time-lapse movie in infrared light detailing how stars in the central light-year of our Galaxy have moved over the past 8 years. The yellow mark at the image center represents the location of a peculiar radio source named Sagittarius A.
If these fast stars are held to the Galactic Center by gravity, then the central object exerting this gravity must be both compact and massive.
Analysis of the stellar motions indicates that over one million times the mass of our Sun is somehow confined to a region less than a fifth of a light-year across. Astronomers interpret these observations as strong evidence that the center of our Galaxy is home to a very massive black hole".
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