Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "hollow" |

SOL044-1-12-DD-2-depress-A044R1_br2.jpgLaguna Hollow: Panorama (1) - Sol 44 (b/w - elab. NASA)54 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This image shows the shallow depression dubbed Laguna Hollow before the MER Spirit drove into it to sample its bed of fine sediments on the 45th Sol of its mission (Feb. 18, 2004). The hollow provides scientists with a laboratory for studying the atmospheric processes that shaped Mars because, in contrast to surrounding rocky terrain, it contains windblown dust and possibly salty clumps of soil. Spirit is scheduled to dig a trench at the bottom of Laguna Hollow on Sol 47. The image was taken by the Rover's PanCam".

SOL044-2-12-DD-2-depress-A044R1_br2.jpgLaguna Hollow: Panorama (2) - Sol 44 (b/w - elab. NASA)55 visitenessun commento

SOL046-LagunaHollow.jpgLaguna Hollow: a "breathing" depression? - Sol 4655 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This image shows the patch of soil at the bottom of the shallow depression dubbed Laguna Hollow where the MER Spirit will soon begin trenching. Scientists are intrigued by the clustering of small pebbles and the crack-like fine lines, which indicate a coherent surface that expands and contracts. A number of processes can cause materials to expand and contract, including cycles of heating and cooling; freezing and thawing and...rising and falling of salty liquids within a substance. This false-color image was created using the blue, green and infrared filters of the Rover's PanCam. Scientists chose this particular combination of filters to enhance the heterogeneity of the Martian soil".

SOL768-2N194548814EFFAPBCP0665L0M1.jpgA little lake of sand... - Sol 76870 visiteIl rilievo che vediamo in questo frame dovrebbe essere un "hollow", ossìa una leggera depressione del suolo (un avvallamento, ma non un cratere vero e proprio) la quale, grazie - presumibilmente - all'azione del vento, si riempie di sabbia e di polveri sottili. Sabbia e polveri che, come ben si vede in questo frame, nel tempo tendono ad incresparsi ed a formare disegni che, molto spesso, fanno rassomigliare queste "pozze di polveri" a delle "pozze d'acqua".
4 immagini su 1 pagina(e) |