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OPP-SOL1825-ResolutionCrater1.jpgResolution Crater - Sol 1825 (Natural Colors; credits: Lunar Explorer Italia)54 visiteCaption NASA:"Opportunity has seen many sights during her nearly 2000 Soles on Mars, but recently came face-to-face (or wheel-to-rock) with the youngest crater ever seen by either Mars Exploration Rover!
Scientists say this small crater called "Resolution" formed sometime in the past 100.000 years. Most features studied by Opportunity are much older, including rocks over 3 Billion Years old! In contrast to these seniors, Resolution Crater is just a baby.
Unlike a baby's soft skin, a newborn crater starts out sharp, and only softens over time. As craters age, the "sandblasting" action of the Martian Wind erodes rocks ejected during crater formation and fills its bowl with sand. Signs of this crater's youth are fresh rocks on the crater rim and an empty bowl. The newer crater also drapes over older surrounding dunes. Finding youth pays off: scientists can compare Resolution to older craters to learn how fast wind changes the Martian Surface over time".
Nota Lunexit: rimarchevole davvero la somiglianza fra questo craterino ed il cratere Fram (probabilmente anche esso un secondario), incontrato da Opportunity lungo la strada che lo condusse dal Landing Site - Eagle Crater - al Cratere Endurance.MareKromium

OPP-SOL1950-GB-LXT1.jpgPossible Secondary Crater near Victoria Crater (Resolution Crater) - Sol 1950 (Photo-composite Panorama - Natural Colors/Blue-Green Filters ON; credits: Dr. G. Barca & Lunexit)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

OPP-SOL1950-GB-LXT2.jpgPossible Secondary Crater near Victoria Crater (Resolution Crater) - Sol 1950 (Photo-composite Panorama - Natural Colors/Blue-Green Filters OFF; credits: Dr. G. Barca & Lunexit)60 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

OPP-SOL1950-MF.jpgPossible Secondary Crater near Victoria Crater (Resolution Crater) - Sol 1950 (Photo-composite Panorama - Natural Colors; credits: Matteo Fagone)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
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