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APOLLO 12 AS 12-46-6756 HR-2.jpgAS 12-46-6756 (HD) - The "unlucky" TV-Camera179 visiteUn intero frame ad AD dedicato alla 'cinepresa' che fece i capricci e, di fatto, impedì al Mondo di vedere quello che gli Astronauti appena usciti dal LM "Intrepid" stavano vedendo e facendo sulla Luna, durante questa semi-sconosciuta Missione Apollo 12.
Una Missione di cui non si conoscono molti dettagli ma che (pare) abbia segnato in maniera piuttosto netta e pesante la vita di uno dei tre Astronauti: Alan Bean.
Sarebbe interessante se, un giorno, fosse lo stesso Alan Bean a raccontare che cosa intendesse quando raccontò, al rientro sulla Terra (e per spiegare il violento esaurimento nervoso che lo afflisse a lungo), di "...visioni distorte della Luna..." che, a quanto parve, apparivano nei suoi sogni.
Una dichiarazione autentica e, se ci pensiamo bene, che riesce a mettere i brividi addosso...

APOLLO 12 AS 12-46-6784.jpgAS 12-46-6784 - The ALSEP Package158 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This picture shows ALSEP Package 1, the one that Pete took out of the SEQ bay and then moved to its present location to get it out of the way. Note that Pete's shadow shows that he is wearing a saddlebag".

APOLLO 12 AS 12-46-6785.jpgAS 12-46-6785 - The RTG Package132 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Al has placed the RTG package on the ground. Note the cooling fins on the RTG. Note the pull rings on the edge closest to Al. These pull rings are used to release 'pip pins' with which some pieces of equipment are attached to the RTG pallet. The light-colored piece of gear that is attached to the part of the RTG pallet that is on top in this picture is the SIDE (Suprathermal Ion Detection Experiment). Note the deployment rail and pulleys extending out from the SEQ bay above the upper ends of the lanyards. The distinctive ring-shaped top of the fuel cask can be seen behind the left-hand SEQ bay door. Note the saddlebag on Al's left hip and note, also, that Pete's shadow shows that he is wearing one too".

APOLLO 12 AS 12-46-6786.jpgAS 12-46-6786 - The RTG Package129 visiteCaption NASA originale:"At about 116:40:44 (MCT-->Mission Clock Time), Al is pivoting the RTG fuel cask into the horizontal position. The graphite-lined cask contains a plutonium fuel element and was designed to protect the element in the event of a launch abort and re-entry. Once he has the cask lowered, Al will use a special tool to remove the protective dome on the cask and then to remove the fuel element for placement in the RTG. Note that the SEQ bay doors are closed. The object just beyond Al is the Handtool Carrier which he took out of the SEQ bay after the RTG package".

APOLLO 12 AS 12-46-6787.jpgAS 12-46-6787 - The RTG package130 visiteCaption NASA originale:"At about 116:43:02 MCT, Al is using the dome removal tool. The fuel element's temperature is at about 1500° and even the dome is hot enough that Al wants to avoid touching it. The RTG is the dark object at his right. The Handtool Carrier (HTC) is at his left with the hammer sticking up out of the corner nearest the camera.
The foreground object at the lower right is ALSEP Package 1, the one that Pete off-loaded. Note that Pete has removed the SIDE from the RTG pallet. It was attached on the side which is now facing the right edge of the picture. Pete took the SIDE off the RTG package at 116:41:29. Note that the Universal Handling Tool (UHT) is sticking out of the right side of the base of the RTG pallet. Pete used the UHT to release a Boyd Bolt that was holding the SIDE on".

APOLLO 12 AS 12-46-6788.jpgAS 12-46-6788 - The RTG package126 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Al is putting aside the dome that he has just removed from the fuel cask".

APOLLO 12 AS 12-46-6789.jpgAS 12-46-6789 - The RTG package121 visiteCaption NASA originale:"At 116:43:38 MCT Al has inserted the fuel element extraction tool. The dome is beyond his left leg, beneath the minus-Y (south) strut. We can also see the Handtool Carrier and the RTG. Pete took this photo from up-Sun of Al.
Photo AS12-48-7034 gives us another view of the dome".

APOLLO 12 AS 12-46-6791.jpgAS 12-46-6791 - The RTG package131 visiteCaption NASA originale:"At about 116:50:59 MCT, Al is attaching the RTG package to the carrybar which will later serve as the Central Station antenna mast".

APOLLO 12 AS 12-46-6792.jpgAS 12-46-6792 - The RTG package133 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Al is attaching the RTG package to the carrybar. Note the dirt that has gotten on the bottom of the RTG pallet - the surface facing the camera".

APOLLO 12 AS 12-46-6806.jpgAS 12-46-6806 - Alan Bean carrying the ALSEP132 visiteAl is carrying the ALSEP package out from the LM. As can be seen in a detail, he is walking flat-footed, in part because the mass of the ALSEP packages is nearly the same as the combined mass of him and his suit and backpack and, in part, because the carrybar is flexing and would be difficult to control if he tried to use a loping stride. Note that he is holding the carrybar in his hands, with his arms hanging down in front of him. Other LMPs discovered that it was easier to carry and control the packages by holding their arms up in front of them and getting the carrybar in the elbow crooks. Note the flag and the S-Band antenna to the left of the LM.

APOLLO 12 AS 12-46-6807 HD.jpgAS 12-46-6807 (HD) - The "Aura" around Alan Bean193 visiteLa famosa immagine dell'"aura" intorno ad Alan Bean, su cui il Prof. Hoagland (ed altri) hanno discusso.
C'è un artefatto di cristallo davanti all'Astronauta o si tratta solo di un riflesso ('effetto prismatico')? Secondo noi (ed abbiamo visto anche il frame originale uncompressed) la risposta è piuttosto ovvia, oltre che evidente: è un riflesso.
E Voi che ne dite? Avete dei dubbi?!?

APOLLO 12 AS 12-47-6920.jpgAS 12-47-6920 - The Magnetometer and other SEQ114 visiteCross-Sun of the magnetometer after deployment. The Central Station is left of center at the top, with the Passive Seismic Experiment farther to the right.
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