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Image024-West Spur-HD-detail-PIA06917.jpgThe "Hills of Disgrace" : West Spur, Longhorn Outcrop and the distant walls of Gusaev Crater (HD)682 visiteE questa è la visione - con colori elaborati da noi e tenendo conto di una serie di elementi ripetitivi delle immagini in "true" o "almost true colors" - del frame PIA06770.
Questa immagine è, a nostro parere, quanto vedremmo noi - con occhi umani - se fossimo lì, accanto al Longhorn Outcrop, intorno alle ore 17:00 MLT.
Forse l'idea è giusta e forse non lo è: la Verità è che fintanto che non andremo lassù, non lo sapremo mai...

SOU-SOL001-1-Pathfinder-LandingSite-Viking1-01.jpgThe Pathfinder Landing Site, from Viking 1 (2)114 visiteMosaic of Viking Orbiter images illustrating the location of the Pathfinder Lander (approx. 19,17° North Lat. and 33,21° West Long in the USGS ref. frame) with respect to surface features. Prominent features on the horizon include North Knob, Southeast Knob, Far Knob, Twin Peaks and Big Crater. Two small craters visible in the Orbiter and Lander views (Little Crater and Rimshot Crater) lie on the NW outer flank of the rim of Big Crater. Since the Lander is on the SE-facing flank of a low ridge, very distant features to the South and East are in view, whereas relatively nearby features to the North are partially or completely obscured. Only the tip of North Knob, which appears larger in the Viking orbiter images than the Twin Peaks, projects above the Local Horizon, and a 300-m crater, 1.2 km to the North/East, is completely obscured".
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