Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "craters," |

030-The Moon from Clem-Copernicus.jpg054 - Copernicus54 visiteCopernicus is a rayed crater, 97 Km in diameter, that formed about 800 MY ago. In this image of the Crater Copernicus, color differences are shown for the eastern half of the crater.
A false-color mosaic is created by making ratio images and assigning each to one of the 3 primary colors: the red channel is controlled by the 750/415-nnmts ratio; the green channel is controlled by the 750/950-nnmts ratio and the blue channel is controlled by the 415/750-nnmts ratio.

040-The Moon from Clem-KeplerCrater-1.jpg151 - Kepler Crater56 visitenessun commento

043-The Moon from Clem-North Pole-2.jpg035 - Plaskett Crater (natural colors)56 visitePlaskett Crater ID:
Location: 82° North Lat. and 174° East Long.;
Dimension: about 110 Km in diameter
Interesting Features: the huge "central peak"

051-The Moon from Clem-Aristarchus.jpg043 - Aristarchus Plateau (natural colors)58 visiteA mosaic of more than 250 images showing the complex and diverse Aristarchus Region of the Moon in approximately natural colors (blue = 415 nanometers, green = 750 nanometers, red = 950 nanometers). The plateau is an uplifted block of complex, highland terrain, partly flooded by later mare basalt lavas. Dark, pyroclastic glasses partly cover the uplifted terrain. The crater Aristarchus (47 Km in diameter) has formed in the South-East corner of the plateau, excavating both highlands and mare rocks.

052-The Moon from Clem-Dionysus.jpg061 - Dionysius Crater (natural colors)58 visiteThe Crater Dionysius (3° North Lat. and, 17° East Long.; western edge of Mare Tranquillitatis; 18 Km in diameter) shows striking contrasts in albedo. The outside of the Crater is a very bright halo in its near-rim field, while farther out, darker material is exposed, including rare dark rays. Crater deposits on the left side of this mosaic are on light Cayley plains of highland composition, while deposits on the right side are on the basalts of Mare Tranquillitatis.

090-The Moon from Clem-KeplerCrater.jpg152 - Kepler Crater56 visitenessun commento

APOLLO 11 AS 11-37-5459.jpgAS 11-37-5459 - "A Beautiful Desolation"294 visiteIl paesaggio Lunare, per usare le parole di Neil Armstrong, è "...come una spiaggia, infinita, senza mare all'orizzonte. Una splendida desolazione...". La definizione è sicuramente suggestiva e molto romantica, ma noi crediamo che la Luna non sia per nulla "desolata" come dice Armstrong e come a prima vista (e ad un occhio inesperto), potrebbe sembrare.

APOLLO 12 AS 12-46-6744 HR-1.jpgAS 12-46-6744 - Horizon and a strange stone (1) - HR154 visiteOriginal caption:"(...) View to the South. Note the raised-rim crater on the horizon at the righthand edge of the image. As Pete Conrad mentions at 118:27:12 MT, he mistakenly took the pan at 15-foot focus instead of 74-foot focus. Scan courtesy NASA Johnson".
Cerchiatura Verde: una bizzarra roccia dalla forma appuntita che spicca - diremmo nettamente - all'estrema Sx del frame. Curioso che non ci sìano (e, se ci sono, non le abbiamo trovate) altre immagini di questo rilievo.

APOLLO 14 AS 14 64-9091.jpgAS 14-64-9091 - "Old Nameless" crater118 visitenessun commento

APOLLO 14 AS 14 64-9092.jpgAS 14-64-9092 - "Old Nameless" crater89 visitenessun commento

APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11122 HR.jpgAS 15-82-11122 - Elbow and S. George Crater (HR)215 visiteOriginal caption:"165:21:14 MT. This frame from Jim's Station 9 pan is an excellent picture toward the South showing the bend of the rille near Elbow Crater".

APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11122 LBL.jpgAS 15-82-11122 - Elbow and S. George Crater (lab)276 visitenessun commento
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