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ZZ-Craters-Mercury-Secondary_Craters_Field-PIA14379.jpgSecondary Crater-Chains or Signs of multiple and simultaneous Cometary Impacts? (Enhanced Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)141 visiteCaption NASA:"This view captured by MESSENGER's wide angle camera (WAC) shows many Secondary Crater-Chains that originated from a Primary Impact Crater located outside this image, to the West. The Secondary Crater-Chains are formed as the Parent Crater-forming event launches Ejecta into the surrounding area. The chunks of Ejecta dig out their own craters which sometimes overlap to form a long valley-like depression. These features are striking though not uncommon on Mercury's battered Surface. Some other examples of Secondary Craters can be found at Abedin Crater".
Date acquired: April, 30th, 2011
Image Mission Elapsed Time (MET): 212677081
Image ID: 196161
Instrument: Wide Angle Camera (WAC) of the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS)
WAC filter: 7 (748 nanometers)
Center Latitude: 63,76°
Center Longitude: 198,7° East
Resolution: 162 meters/pixel
Scale: this image is about 165 Km across
Incidence Angle: 79,9°
Emission Angle: 1,1°
Sun-Target-Spacecraft (such as "Phase") Angle: 81,0°MareKromium
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