Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "buried" |

Craters-Buried_Crater-00.JPGUnder the Sand (Original NASA/MGS/MSSS b/w Frame)54 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This MGS-MOC image shows a partially-buried crater in the North Polar Region of Mars.
The circular feature is surrounded and partly overlain by some of the many, many sand dunes in the area. The steepest slopes on each dune — their "slip faces" — face toward the SouthEast, indicating that the dominant winds responsible for sand transport in this Region come from the NorthWest".
Location near: 76,0° North; 82,2° West
Image width: ~3 Km (~1,9 mi)
Illumination from: lower left
Season: Northern Spring

Craters-Unnamed_Craters-Utopia_Planitia-00.jpgOld Buried Unnamed Craters in Northern Utopia Planitia (Original NASA/MGS/MSSS b/w Frame)53 visiteOriginal caption:"This MGS-MOC image shows 2 circular features on the Plains of Northern Utopia. A common sight on the Martian Northern Plains, these rings indicate the locations of Buried Impact Craters".
Location near: 65,1° North Lat. and 261,2° West Long.
Image width: ~2 Km (~1,2 mi)
Illumination from: lower left
Season: Northern Summer

Craters-Unnamed_South_Polar_Crater-1.jpgBuried and Frozen (1)55 visiteCaption originale:"This MGS-MOC image shows an eroded stack of layered material in a crater of the South Polar Region of Mars.
The composition of the layers is not known; some speculate that they may contain a combination of dust and ice, or possibly ancient sedimentary rock".
Location near: 80,6° South; 230,4° West
Image width: ~3 Km (~1,9 mi)
Illumination from: upper left
Season: Southern Summer

Craters-Unnamed_South_Polar_Crater-2.jpgBuried and frozen (2)53 visitenessun commento

OPP-SOL207-3.jpgSurface Details - Sol 207 (possible True Colors; credits: Dr G. Barca & Lunexit)100 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

OPP-SOL220-3.jpgSurface Details - Sol 220 (possible True Colors; credits: Dr G. Barca & Lunexit)53 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

SOL696-MF-LXT.jpgBuried Boulder... - Sol 696 (All Filters - natural colors; credits: Dr M. Faccin)119 visitenessun commentoMareKromium
7 immagini su 1 pagina(e) |