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Chaotic_Terrain-Memnonia-PIA08104-1.jpgChaotic Terrain between Memnonia Fossae and Elysium Planitia (1 - Original NASA/JPL/ASU b/w Frame)54 visiteCaption NASA originale:"These arcuate fractures are located on the margin between Memnonia Fossae and Elysium Planitia".
Image information: VIS instrument;
Latitude: 1,4° North;
Longitude: 177,5° East;
Resolution: 18 meter/pixel.

Chaotic_Terrain-Memnonia-PIA08104-2.jpgChaotic Terrain between Memnonia Fossae and Elysium Planitia (2 - Original NASA/JPL/ASU b/w Frame)54 visitenessun commento

Collapse_Features-Sirenum_Fossae-20090402a-PCF-LXTT.jpgInteraction in Sirenum Fossae (Saturated Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunar Explorer Italia)54 visiteCaption NASA:"This VIS image of part of the Sirenum Fossae shows an important interaction. The small crater in the center of the image is cut by a large fracture of the Fossae System, while the its ejecta cover a small fracture located just North-West of it.
This image indicates that the Fracture System was active both before and after the time of the impact and crater creation".
Coord.: 24,3° South Lat. and 220,0° East Long.MareKromium
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