Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "basin)" |

023-The Moon from Clem-SchroendingerBasin.jpg045 - Schroedinger Basin (detail mgnf)56 visiteDetail from the UV-VIS Clementine Camera of the floor of the basin Schrodinger, showing the coverage (inset strip) of the HR camera for comparison. The Dark Halo Crater (center at 76° South Lat. and 139° East Long.; 5 Km across) is a volcanic vent that erupted ash during the period of mare volcanism on the Moon, more than 3,5 BY ago.

029-The Moon from Clem-OrientaleBasin.jpg070 - The "Orientale" basin55 visiteMosaic of more than 2000 Clementine (750-nanometers) images, showing the Orientale Basin of the Moon at full resolution of about 250 mt per pixel. The Orientale Basin is about 930 Km in diameter and is only partly filled by dark, mare lava.
The relative paucity of mare basalt fill, coupled with the young age and topographic freshness of the basin, makes this feature the archetypal lunar multiring basin.
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