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A-A SUNFLARE.jpgA beautiful Solar Flare224 visitenessun commento

A-The Sun-Solar flare from Soho.jpgPowerful solar flare from Soho55 visiteCaption originale NASA: "Seen through the electromagnetic spectrum, the Sun briefly becomes over than 100 times brighter (in the X-rays wavelength) than normal. This is a so-called "Solar Flare" and, when it happens, energetic particles which are emitted from the Sun strike the Earth causing malfunctions in satellite communications or, in some specific areas, a very unusual (and yet very impressive) phoenomenon known as "Aurora Borealis".

Solar Flares.jpgSolar Flares58 visiteCaption NASA originale:"On June, 14th, 1999, SOHO observatory recorded this stunning view of an immense prominence erupting from the Sun's southern latitudes. The false-color image was made in the extreme Ultraviolet light produced by ionized Helium atoms in the solar plasma".

Sun-PIA03149_modest.jpgSolar Flares from Soho79 visiteCaption NASA originale:"Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) image of a huge, handle-shaped prominence taken on Sept. 14,1999 taken in the 304 angstrom wavelength - Prominences are huge clouds of relatively cool dense plasma suspended in the Sun's hot, thin corona. At times, they can erupt, escaping the Sun's atmosphere. Emission in this spectral line shows the upper chromosphere at a temperature of about 60,000 degrees K. Every feature in the image traces magnetic field structure. The hottest areas appear almost white, while the darker red areas indicate cooler temperatures".

Sunflare.jpgA Sunflare from the Skylab73 visiteUn'immagine d'epoca: l'anno è il 1973 e dallo Skylab (allora conosciuto come "Il Laboratorio Spaziale") ci arriva l'immagine di una "fiaccola" o, se preferite, di un "Solar Flare".

The Sun from Soho.jpgA "Solar Prominence" from Soho62 visiteCaption NASA originale:"A 'Solar Prominence' is a cloud of solar gas held above the Sun's surface by the Sun's magnetic field. The Earth would easily fit under the hovering curtain of hot gas (like the one pictured above). A quiescent prominence typically lasts about one month, and may erupt in a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) expelling hot gas into the Solar System. Although somehow related to the Sun's changing magnetic field, the energy mechanism that creates and sustains a Solar Prominence is still a mistery".

TheRings_Antares-PIA09829.jpgAntares, through the Rings (MULTISPECTRUM; credits: Lunexit)53 visiteCpation NASA:"A point of light flickers behind Saturn's Rings as multiple instruments on the Cassini Spacecraft observe a stellar occultation of Antares (or alpha Scorpii).
Such observations are designed to understand the fine-scale structure of the Rings. Scientists look at variations in the observed brightness of the star (whose actual brightness is well known) to determine the opacity of the Rings in different places.
Among other things, Cassini's prior stellar occultations have been used to examine density and bending waves induced in the A-Ring by Saturn's various moons.
This view looks toward the unilluminated side of the Rings from about 34° above the Ring-Plane.
The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Jan. 3, 2008. The view was obtained at a distance of approx. 541.000 Km (such as about 336.000 miles) from Saturn.
Image scale is about 4 Km (a little less than 3 miles) per pixel".MareKromium
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