Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "Paintings" |

Beyond_the_Hills.jpgBeyond the Hills (by Ermes Sansottera)261 visite"...Vedere e capire ciò che è giusto fare, e poi non farlo, significa non avere coraggio..."

Blooming_Colours.jpgBlooming Colours (by Ermes Sansottera)239 visite"...Parla forse il Cielo? Eppure, nonostante il Suo Silenzio, le Stagioni seguono il loro corso e le Creature continuano a nascere, a vivere, e a morire..."

Giulia_s_Berries.jpgGiulia's Berries (by Ermes Sansottera)242 visite"...L'unico modo che abbiamo per salvaguardare la nostra solitudine è quello di ferire tutti, a cominciare da coloro che amiamo..."
Émile Michel CioranMareKromium

Night_Beauties-ES.jpgNight Beauties (by Ermes Sansottera)123 visite"...A man can be destroyed but not defeated..."
Ernest HemingwayMareKromium

Rice_Merchants.jpgRice Merchants (by Ermes Sansottera)184 visite"...In qualsiasi direzione tu vada, vacci con tutto il cuore..."

The_Rings-PIA10081.jpgIcy Rings54 visiteCaption NASA:"This is an artist concept of a close-up view of Saturn's Ring particles. The planet Saturn is seen in the background (yellow and brown).
The particles (blue) are composed mostly of ice, but are not uniform. They clump together to form elongated, curved aggregates, continually forming and dispersing. The space between the clumps is mostly empty. The largest individual particles shown are a few meters (yards) across". MareKromium

The_Rings-PIA10082.jpgMittens53 visiteCaption NASA:"This is an artist concept of the view from Cassini during the star occultation that detected "Mittens," the small object to the right of the star. As Cassini watched the star pass behind Saturn's F-Ring (foreground), the star blinked out when Mittens blocked it, indicating it may be a solid moonlet".MareKromium
7 immagini su 1 pagina(e) |