Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "Observatory" |
30-Doradus and Tarantula Region.jpg30-Doradus, R-136 Star Cluster and the "Tarantula Region"103 visite"...Per alcuni, la Cultura si fa sottovoce, con la semplicità e la condivisione critica delle informazioni.
Per altri si fa strillando, con rabbia, e cercando di imporre agli altri una visione acritica delle informazioni.
Molti pensano che la Cultura, comunque, si possa - o si debba - fare solo attraverso le azioni e le dimostrazioni "pratiche".
Io credo che la Verità sia nel concetto di Cultura che ognuno di noi possiede e ritiene di trasmettere. Io, ad esempio, penso che la Cultura possa farsi solo usando la Parola..."
P.C. Floegers - "Scritti di Cronaca e Sociale"
Asteroids-Sylvia_compo680.jpg87 Sylvia and the Founders of Rome54 visiteDa "NASA - Picture of the Day" del 17 Agosto 2005:"Discovered in 1866, Main Belt Asteroid 87 Sylvia lies 3.5 AU from the Sun, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Also shown in recent years to be one in a growing list of double asteroids, new observations during August and October 2004 made at the Paranal Observatory convincingly demonstrate that 87 Sylvia in fact has two moonlets - the first known triple asteroid system. At the center of this composite of the image data, potato-shaped 87 Sylvia itself is about 380 Km wide. The data show inner moon, Remus, orbiting Sylvia at a distance of about 710 Km once every 33 hours, while outer moon Romulus orbits at 1360 Km in 87,6 hours. Tiny Remus and Romulus are 7 and 18 Km across respectively. Because 87 Sylvia was named after Rhea Silvia, the mythical mother of the Founders of Rome, the discoverers proposed Romulus and Remus as fitting names for the two moonlets (...)".
Jupiter_Storm.jpgThe Dark S.E.B. of Jupiter is back!82 visiteDalla Rubrica "NASA - Picture of the Day" del giorno 29 Npvembre 2010:"Why are planet-circling clouds disappearing and reappearing on Jupiter?
Although the ultimate cause remains unknown, planetary meteorologists are beginning to better understand what is happening. Earlier this year, unexpectedly, Jupiter's Dark Southern Equatorial Belt (SEB) disappeared. The changes were first noted by amateurs dedicated to watching Jupiter full time. The South Equatorial Band has been seen to change colors before, although the change has never been recorded in such detail. Detailed professional observations revealed that high-flying light-colored Ammonia-based clouds formed over the planet-circling Dark Belt. Now those Light Clouds are dissipating, again unveiling the lower Dark Clouds.
Pictured above two weeks ago, far InfraRed images - depicted in false-color red - show a powerful storm system active above the returning Dark Belt. Continued observations of Jupiter's current cloud opera, and our understanding of it, is sure to continue".MareKromium
Jupiter_sofiawesley.jpgJupiter from the Stratosphere145 visiteDalla Rubruica "NASA - Picture of the Day", del giorno 3 Giugno 2010:"SOFIA, the Stratospheric Observatory for InfraRed Astronomy, captured its "first light" images on May 26, from an altitude of 35.000 feet.
While flying above most of planet Earth's InfraRed-absorbing water vapor, SOFIA's premier IR views of the cosmos included this remarkable false-color image (right panel) of Jupiter.
For comparison, on the left is a recent, ground-based visible light image. Both show our Solar System's ruling gas giant without its dark Southern Equatorial Belt (normally seen in the upper Hemisphere in this orientation). That familiar feature faded from view early in May. But the bright white stripe in SOFIA's image is a region of Jupiter's clouds transparent to IR Light, offering a glimpse below the cloud tops".MareKromium
NGC-0520-1.jpgNGC 520 alias Arp 157 - Colliding Galaxies58 visite"...Sic luceat Lux..."
"...Così splenda la Luce..."
NGC-2237-Rosette_Nebula-PIA13028.jpgThe Rosette Nebula67 visite"...If you do not know where to go, you will probably end up somewhere else..."
(Se non sai dove andare, finirai probabilmente in qualche altro posto)
Laurence Johnston Peter
NGC-3718-1.jpgNGC 3718, NGC 3729 and Hickson Group 56A55 visite"...Una Società dove le derive emozionali dei Gruppi di Comando - politici od economici - sono da sole in grado di stabilire ed imporre, con il plauso della Collettività , i 'Modelli Individuali' da imitare ed i 'Valori Comuni' di riferimento, è una Società senza più alcuna speranza, ormai pronta a soccombere a causa della sua stessa insipienza..."
P.C. Floegers - "Conversations"
NGC-4754_and_NGC-4762.jpgNGC 4754, NGC 4762 and Tempel 1 Comet63 visite"...La tv sta diventando un culto osceno terribile, scandito da riti demenziali officiati da sacerdoti dementi.
Pio XII sbagliava: la televisione non è sentina di vizio e teatrino delle vanità ; è una gigantesca brain-machine che sta mutando la specie umana, sostituendo alla libertà , alla volontà e alla critica l’adesione incondizionata agli stereotipi di massa, decisi in qualche invisibile consiglio d’amministrazione..."
Paolo Cortesi - "La Televisione: il serpente sotto il letto"
"...La Televisione è la Realtà e la Realtà è Televisione..."
dal film "Videodrome"
Tempel1-PIA07881.jpgTempel-1, from Kitt Peak (pseudo-colors)56 visiteCaption NASA originale:"The Kitt Peak National Observatory's 2,1-meter telescope observed comet Tempel 1 on April 11, 2005, when the comet was near its closest approach to the Earth. A pinkish dust jet is visible to the SouthWest, with the broader neutral gas coma surrounding it. North is up, East is to the left and the field of view is about 80.000 Km wide. The Sun was almost directly behind the observer at this time. The red, green and blue bars in the background are stars that moved between the individual images.
This pseudo-color picture was created by combining three black and white images obtained with different filters. The images were obtained with the HB Narrowband Comet Filters, using CN (3870 A - shown in blue), C2 (5140 A - shown in green) and RC (7128 A - shown in red).
The CN and C2 filters capture different gas species (along with the underlying dust) while the RC filter captures just the dust".
Tempel1-S-ImpactConfirmation.jpgTempel-1 from Kitt Peak National Obs.54 visiteOriginal caption:"The image was taken through an R band filter and has the smoothed dust light profile removed to enhance the jets. North is up, East to the left, the Sun at PA (Position Angle) 290 and the FOV is 2,5 arcmin (which is now 96.500 km at the comet)".
T. Farnham and Jianyang Li
(University of Maryland)
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