Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "Cone" |

0301-Cones.jpgCones, from above (High-Def-3D; credits: Dr M. Faccin & Lunar Explorer Italia)86 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

ESP_011403_1905_RED_abrowse.jpgCone at the Source of Athabasca Valles (Natural - but strongly enhanced - Colors; credits: Lunar Explorer Italia)53 visiteMars Local Time: 15:50 (middle afternoon)
Coord. (centered): 10,2° North Lat. and 157,4° East Long.
Spacecraft altitude: 278,4 Km (such as about 174,0 miles)
Original image scale range: 27,8 cm/pixel (with 1 x 1 binning) so objects ~ 84 cm across are resolved
Map projected scale: 25 cm/pixel
Emission Angle: 7,7°
Phase Angle: 50,7°
Solar Incidence Angle: 58° (meaning that the Sun is about 32° above the Local Horizon)
Solar Longitude: 183,6° (Northern Autumn)
Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Additional process. and coloring: Lunar Explorer ItaliaMareKromium

ESP_019197_2290_RED_abrowse-00.jpgExtremely unusually-looking Unnamed Northern Crater (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)111 visiteAcquisition Date: 31 August 2010
Mars Local Time (MLT): 15:25 (Early Afternoon)
Latitude (centered): 48,7° North
Longitude (East): 127,6°
Range to Target Site: 311,5 Km (such as about 194,7 miles)
Original image scale range: from 31,2 to 62,3 cm/pixel (with 2 x 2 binning)
Map projected scale: 25 cm/pixel
Emission angle: 12,5°
Sun-Mars-Spacecraft (or Phase) Angle: 41,3°
Solar Incidence Angle: 53° (with the Sun about 37° above the Local Horizon)
Solar Longitude: 141,1° - Northern SummerMareKromium

ESP_019197_2290_RED_abrowse-01.jpgExtremely unusually-looking Unnamed Northern Crater (EDM n.1 - Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Drr Gianluigi Barca and Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)107 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

ESP_019197_2290_RED_abrowse-02.jpgExtremely unusually-looking Unnamed Northern Crater (EDM; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Gianluigi Barca - Lunexit Team)95 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

ESP_019197_2290_RED_abrowse-03.jpgExtremely unusually-looking Unnamed Northern Crater (EDM n.2 - Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Drr Gianluigi Barca and Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)85 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

North_Polar_Features-Polar_Cone-MGS-00.jpgNorth Polar "Cone" (Original NASA/MGS/MSSS b/w Frame)59 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This MGS-MOC image shows a cone-shaped hill, perhaps a remnant of a material that was once more laterally extensive across the area, on a textured plain in the Hyperboreus Labyrinthus Region in the North Polar Region of Mars.
The hill and its surroundings are covered with a blanket of solid CO2 which imparts a roughly homogeneous-tone to the scene.
Despite its shape, the feature is not a volcano; over the past 9 years, the MGS-MOC investigation has found no unambiguous evidence for volcanic landforms in the North Polar Region".
Location near: 79,5° North; 57,0° West
Image width: ~3 Km (~1,9 mi)
Illumination from: lower left
Season: Northern Spring

PSP_006667_2150_RED_abrowse-00-PCF-LXTT.jpgSmall "Cones", North of Olympus Mons (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit) 80 visiteOlympus Mons is the largest Volcano in the Solar System and is thought to have been active in the relatively recent past (which on Mars means many millions of years ago). While this towering giant gets a lot of the attention, it is surrounded by a vast field of other Volcanic Features. This HiRISE image takes a close look at one set of intriguing landforms: small Cones.
Cones similar to these are found atop the freshest Lava Flows on Mars in Athabasca Valles. In that location, HiRISE found proof that they formed by steam exploding through the Lava Flow. The steam was produced by boiling water (or ice) in the ground underneath the Lava Flow. Could the same thing have happened here?
Unfortunately, HiRISE finds that this area north of Olympus Mons is covered in a thick layer of Dust. While the wonderful resolution of HiRISE reveals details of the Ripples in the Dust, it cannot show us what is underneath the Dust. Therefore we cannot prove that these Cones formed the same was as the Athabasca Valles ones.
They could be small Volcanic Vents, but it is unlikely that so many small eruptions would have taken place so close together.
However, since we cannot show that the ground under the Dust is actually Lava, we cannot rule out non-volcanic processes. Still, the similarity in the shapes and sizes of these Cones to the ones in Athabasca Valles leaves open the possibility that Water and Lava interacted explosively here.MareKromium

PSP_009177_1985_RED.jpgCratered Cones in Isidis Planitia (natural colors; credits: Lunexit)53 visiteThis image shows part of a broad field of cratered cones in the Isidis Planitia region of Mars. The cones occur over a wide area and are commonly aligned in chains, like those here.
The cratered-cone morphology suggests formation by eruption of some material. The cones resemble small volcanoes on Earth called cinder cones, and are approximately the same size. Another possibility is that these are mud volcanoes, formed by eruption of wet, pressurized mud. This has been suggested as an important process in some parts of Mars. The aligned chains probably indicate sites of weakness, perhaps faults, where lava or mud could preferentially rise.
The scene is relatively bland in color, but this could be due to a thin coating of dust veiling color differences. The cones are clearly not very young or pristine; they have a battered, pitted appearance. However, they have not been heavily eroded, as features like the cone rims are still sharp in most cases. This state is typical of the cones in Isidis region.

Psp_009478_1770_red.jpgCratered Cones in Zephyria Planum (False Colors; credits: Lunar Explorer Italia)53 visiteMars Local Time: 15:21 (early afternoon)
Coord. (centered): 3,1° South Lat. and 152,3° East Long.
Spacecraft altitude: 286,5 Km (such as about 179,0 miles)
Original image scale range: 28,7 cm/pixel (with 1 x 1 binning) so objects ~86 cm across are resolved
Map projected scale: 25 cm/pixel
Emission Angle: 20,4°
Phase Angle: 72,7°
Solar Incidence Angle: 56° (meaning that the Sun is about 34° above the Local Horizon)
Solar Longitude: 107,8° (Northern Summer)
Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Additional process. and coloring: Lunar Explorer ItaliaMareKromium

Psp_009544_2160_red.jpgCratered Cones in Galaxias Colles (Saturated Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunar Explorer Italia)53 visiteMars Local Time: 15:20 (early afternoon)
Coord. (centered): 35,7° North Lat. and 147,0° East Long.
Spacecraft altitude: 295,9 Km (such as about 185,0 miles)
Original image scale range: 29,6 cm/pixel (with 1 x 1 binning) so objects ~89 cm across are resolved
Map projected scale: 25 cm/pixel
Emission Angle: 0,8°
Phase Angle: 44,1°
Solar Incidence Angle: 45° (meaning that the Sun is about 45° above the Local Horizon)
Solar Longitude: 110,1° (Northern Summer)
Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Additional process. and coloring: Lunar Explorer ItaliaMareKromium

SOL1402-2P250825588EFFAW9DP2432R1M1-1.jpgJust an empty "cone-like shell" (context frame; credits: Dr Gianluigi Barca)70 visiteDall'occhio del Dr Barca al tavolo (virtuale) di Lunexit: nella Cerchiatura Rossa, un rilievo superficiale tanto bizzarro, quanto - almeno per noi - inesplicabile.
Un struttura "a cono" (e, sin qui, nulla di veramente straordinario) la quale, come il detail mgnf che segue mostra e dimostra, appare "svuotata".
Svuotata dall'interno (così come si usa fare alle malcapitate zucche nelle notti di Halloween) e resa del tutto simile ad un "guscio" (ormai) vuoto.
La struttura conica - e ci riferiamo sempre al detail mgnf che segue - appare liscia e per nulla danneggiata da azioni eoliche e/o meccaniche di un qualche tipo.
Ovviamente, se questa fosse la (impalpabile) verità, allora la domanda sorgerebbe spontanea:"Ma come si è svuotato il cono? Che cosa lo ha svuotato?".
Risposta:"E se fosse che il cono si è svuotato da solo?!?...".
Fantasie? Forse...O forse no. Complimenti al Dr Barca (as usual)!MareKromium
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