Risultati della ricerca nelle immagini - "(space" |

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 11 - AS 11-36-5307.jpgAS 11-36-5307 - Earth's going away...60 visite

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 11 - AS 11-36-5339.jpgAS 11-36-5339 - Earth's going away...54 visite

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 11 - AS 11-44-6547.jpgAS 11-44-6547 - Rising Earth53 visite

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 11 - AS 11-44-6549.jpgAS 11-44-6549 - Rising Earth53 visite

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 11 - AS 11-44-6562.jpgAS 11-44-6562 - Rising Earth (1)55 visite

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 11 - AS 11-44-6564.jpgAS 11-44-6564 - Rising Earth (2)55 visite

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 11 - AS 11-44-6603.jpgAS 11-44-6603 - Rising Earth55 visite

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 11 - AS 11-44-6652.jpgAS 11-44-6652 - Nostalgia for Earth...54 visite

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 15 - AS 15-97-13268.JPGAS 15-97-13268 - Shining Blue...53 visiteEarthrise from lunar orbit during Rev. n. 70.

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 16 - AS 16-120-19187.jpgAS 16-120-19187 - A "Foggy" Lunar Horizon...53 visite

Space-N00042679.jpgThe "Space" of Saturn54 visitenessun commento

Zond-06-02.jpgRising Earth, from ZOND-688 visiteZond-6 was launched on a Lunar Fly-By mission from a parent satellite (68-101B) in Earth parking orbit. The spacecraft, which carried scientific probes (including cosmic-ray and micrometeoroid detectors, photography equipment and a biological payload), was a precursor to manned spaceflight.
Zond 6 flew around the Moon on November 14, 1968, at a minimum distance of 2420 Km. Photographs of the Lunar Near and Far-Side were obtained with panchromatic film. Each photo was 12,70 by 17,78 cm. Some of the views allowed for stereo pictures.
The photos were taken from distances of approximately 11.000 and 3300 Km. Controlled reentry of the spacecraft occurred on November 17, 1968, and Zond-6 landed in a predetermined (and unknown) Region of the Soviet Union.
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