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MARS-000.jpgMars: the Orange, Greenish, Bluish, Gray and White Planet (True Colors; credits: NASA)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 17 - AS 17-134-20408.jpgAS 17-134-20408 - The mountains of the Moon: Wessex Cleft (1)54 visite

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 17 - AS 17-134-20430.jpgAS 17-134-20430 - Wessex Cleft (1)55 visite

ORIGINAL NASA - APOLLO 17 - AS 17-134-20431.jpgAS 17-134-20431 - Wessex Cleft and Sculptured Hills (2)55 visite

as17-137-21023.JPGAS 17-137-21023 - Wessex Cleft, from Shorty Crater's rim54 visiteCaption NASA originale:"145:49:03 MT - Leftward of AS 17-137-21022. View along the Shorty rim toward Wessex Cleft.

as17-147-22504.JPGAS 17-147-22504 - Signs of Gravity Wasting?57 visiteEVA-1 at the LM. 4 o'clock pan. Wessex Cleft in shadow.MareKromium

as17-147-22505.JPGAS 17-147-22505 - Lunar Panorama55 visiteEVA-1 at the LM. 4 o'clock pan. Wessex Cleft and shadowed Sculptured Hills.MareKromium

as17-147-22551.JPGAS 17-147-22551 - Geophone Panorama54 visiteGeophone 3 pan. This frame shows the rock that Jack examined after deploying Geophone #1, Geophone #2, Wessex Cleft.MareKromium

as17-147-22552.JPGAS 17-147-22552 - Wessex Cleft and Sculptured Hills55 visiteGeophone 3 pan. Wessex Cleft, Sculptured Hills, Geophone #1.MareKromium

as17-147-22599.JPGAS 17-147-22599 - ALSEP Panorama: Wessex Cleft, Sculptured Hills and North Massif59 visiteALSEP pan. Gene standing upright at the deepcore hole. Wessex Cleft is behind him, with the Sculptured Hills to the right of the Cleft and the North Massif to the left. Note the raindrop pattern in the foreground soil.
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