Ultimi arrivi - SMART-1: the Moon from ESA |

01-SMART-1%20northpole29Dec4.jpgThe "North Pole" of the Moon132 visiteCaption ESA originale:"This image was taken by the AMIE camera on board SMART-1 on 29 December 2004 from a distance of 5.500 Km.
It shows an area, 275 Km across, of heavily cratered highland terrain close to the Lunar North Pole (upper left corner).
The image is used to monitor illumination of the polar areas, and long shadows cast by large crater rims".Apr 25, 2005

02-NorthPole.jpgThe "North Pole" of the Moon139 visiteCaption ESA originale:"This image was taken by the AMIE camera on board SMART-1 on 19 January 2005 (close to the northern winter solstice) from a distance of 5000 Km.
The image shows an area 250 Km wide near the Lunar North Pole.
The illuminated part of the crater rim at the top of the image is very close to the Lunar North Pole and is a candidate for a peak of eternal sunlight". Apr 25, 2005

00-Closing-in-on-theMoon410.jpgThe Moon, from 600.000 and 60.000 Km!95 visiteLa Luna: non ci siamo dimenticati della Luna, anzi! Da oggi, 26 Aprile 2005, inizieremo a raccontarVi la "Luna Dimenticata" (o quasi...) attraverso le immagini che ci arrivano dalla Sonda ESA SMART-1.
Individueremo nuove "Singolarità"?
Incontreremo nuovi enigmi?
La Luna è davvero (e solo) "...del padiglion del ciel, la Gran Frittata..."?!?
Staremo a vedere...
Caption ESA originale."These 2 images show the Moon as seen by SMART-1 during the approach phase. The image on the left was taken on 28 October 2004, at a distance of about 600.000 Km from the Moon, when the spacecraft was in its last orbit around the Earth. The image on the right was taken on 12 November 2004, about 15 days later, at a distance of about 60.000 Km. At that time, the Moon was facing the Earth with its unlit side (new Moon).
The slightly illuminated part at the top of the Moon (right image) shows a 'slice' of the Moon's far side at about the latitude of the Lunar North Pole. The North Pole far side is seen for the first time by a European spacecraft, and only for the second time in the history of lunar exploration".Apr 25, 2005
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