Ultimi arrivi - Apollo 15: The Misteries Of Mount Hadley |

APOLLO 15 AS 15 84-11257 G-1.jpgAS 15-84-11257 - Layering?146 visiteOriginal caption:"123:19:35 MT. Rightward from AS 84-11256 with good overlap. Note the apparent layering in the formation just below center on the right. The mare surface is believed to have been built up in a series of relatively thin lava flows with some impact 'weathering' of each fresh surface before the next flow. A cross-section would show a series of thin, horizontal layers". Gen 12, 2006

APOLLO 15 AS 15 84-11253 HR-1.jpgAS 15-84-11253 - The Eastern Flank of Hadley (HR)141 visitenessun commentoGen 12, 2006

APOLLO 15 AS 15 84-11250 HR.jpgAS 15-84-11250 - Silver Spur (HR)205 visiteOriginal caption:"Dave Scott took this 500-mm picture of Silver Spur during the SEVA at about 106:58:07 MT. Silver Spur is named for Caltech geologist Lee Silver, who showed Scott and Irwin that field geology could be exciting (see Don Wilhelm's excellent book "To a Rocky Moon").
Note that there appear to be 2 systems of lineations in Silver Spur. One set consists of what appear to be about ten thick beds which appear to dip down from right to left as seen from the LM. As discussed in the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report, this set of lineations may well represent real structure in the mountain.
The second set of lineations consists of closely-spaced, nearly horizontal lines and these lines may be lighting artifacts".
Scan courtesy NASA Johnson.Gen 12, 2006

APOLLO 15 AS 15 84-11248 HR-1.jpgAS 15-84-11248 - The Western Base of Mt Hadley (HR)136 visiteOriginal caption:"106:57:25 MT.
500-mm shot of the Western Base of Mt Hadley, leftward of AS 84-11247. Scan courtesy NASA Johnson".
Gen 12, 2006

APOLLO 15 AS 15 84-11244 HR-1.jpgAS 15-84-11244 - Chalin Crater140 visiteOriginal caption:"106:56:54 MT. Dave shifted his aim farther to the West to take a series of pictures of Chalin Crater.
Scan courtesy NASA Johnson".Gen 12, 2006

APOLLO 15 AS 15 84-11243 HR-1.jpgAS 15-84-11243 - Pluton Crater (HR)174 visiteOriginal caption:"106:56:54 MT. Rightward of AS 84-11242, showing more of Pluton Crater.
Scan courtesy NASA Johnson.
Nota: una curiosità. Questo cratere che abbiamo visto - discretamente - negli ultimi 3 frames è stato chiamato "Plutone" poichè esso, a differenza della grande maggioranza dei crateri lunari esplorati (per così dire "da vicino") dagli Astronauti, pare che fosse profondissimo.
Talmente profondo, che non si riuscì - forse anche a causa della sua conformazione e configurazione interna - a vederne il fondo.
Ed a proposito dell'interno dei crateri: avete notato che sono piuttosto rare (eufemismo!) le fotografie Apollo che mostrano l'interno dei crateri di media dimensione investigati dagli Astronauti? Forse, l'idea di sporgersi verso l'interno di uno di quei "buchi" faceva un pò paura. O forse quello che c'è dentro ai crateri di media dimensione investigati dagli Astronauti è ancora Top-Secret (Cone Crater docet).
Chissà...Gen 12, 2006

APOLLO 15 AS 15 84-11242 I-deblur.jpgAS 15-84-11242 - Pluton and Eaglecrest Crater (de-blurred)151 visitenessun commentoGen 12, 2006

APOLLO 15 AS 15 84-11242 HR-1.jpgAS 15-84-11242 - Pluton and Eaglecrest Crater (HR)168 visiteOriginal caption:"106:56:54 MT. This first frame in Dave's 500-mm SEVA coverage of the North Complex shows Pluton Crater and, above it, Eaglecrest Crater. This is one of the few 500-mm images that Dave took without the camera being perfectly steady. By using "FocusMagic" to deblur the image it seems that a 4-pixel deblurring (next frame) along a line 50° counterclockwise from vertical worked best.
Scan courtesy NASA Johnson".Gen 12, 2006

APOLLO 15 AS 15 84-11238 I-Hill305Orbital.jpgHill "305" and Mt Hadley from orbit202 visitenessun commentoGen 12, 2006

APOLLO 15 AS 15 84-11238 HR-2.jpgAS 15-84-11238 - Hill "305" (HR)156 visitenessun commentoGen 12, 2006

APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11173.jpgAS 15-82-11173 - The "face" of Mt Hadley169 visiteOriginal caption:"166:18:56 MT.
This frame from Jim's Station 10 pan shows the in-bound Rover tracks coming in from the right, with the fully-lit Western "face" of Mt. Hadley, in the distance.
Scan courtesyNASA Johnson".Gen 12, 2006

APOLLO 15 AS 15 82-11129.jpgAS 15-82-11129 - Is it safe to park here?!?...213 visiteOriginal caption:"165:27:02 MT. Jim's "locator" to the Rover from the "fragment with a great number of vesicles". Dave is holding the 500-mm lens and is examining the far wall of the rille.
Scan courtesy NASA Johnson.Gen 12, 2006
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