
Ultimi arrivi - A Tribute To Mars Global Surveyor |

Vastitas_Borealis-M0306119-1.jpgVastitas Borealis249 visiteLongitude of image center: 28,26° West
Latitude of image center: 71,68° North
Scaled pixel width: 268,68 meters
Scaled image width: 130,88 Km
Scaled image height: 114,11 Km
Solar Longitude (Ls): 180,32°
Local True Solar Time: 14,19 decimal hours
Emission Angle: 3,74°
Incidence Angle: 74,85°
Phase Angle: 72,45°
North Azimuth: 97,87°
Sun Azimuth: 312,21°
Spacecraft Altitude: 430,20 Km
Slant Distance: 431,01 KmMareKromiumGiu 10, 2011

Vastitas_Borealis-M0307443.jpgVastitas Borealis (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)220 visiteLongitude of image center: 26,70° West
Latitude of image center: 68,76° North
Scaled pixel width: 1068,74 meters
Scaled image width: 633,33 Km
Scaled image height: 426,66 Km
Solar Longitude (Ls): 184,40°
Local True Solar Time: 14,19 decimal hours
Emission Angle: 0,51°
Incidence Angle: 74,18°
Phase Angle: 73,86°
North Azimuth: 97,77°
Sun Azimuth: 312,39°
Spacecraft Altitude: 429,32 Km
Slant Distance: 429,33 KmMareKromiumGiu 10, 2011

Vastitas_Borealis-M0307444.jpgVastitas Borealis (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)223 visiteLongitude of image center: 27,88° West
Latitude of image center: 68,70° North
Scaled pixel width: 1080,62 meters
Scaled image width: 649,17 Km
Scaled image height: 426,91 Km
Solar Longitude (Ls): 184,40°
Local True Solar Time: 14,11 decimal hours
Emission Angle: 3,35°
Incidence Angle: 73,89°
Phase Angle: 76,19°
North Azimuth: 98,87°
Sun Azimuth: 312,30°
Spacecraft Altitude: 429,32 Km
Slant Distance: 429,97 KmMareKromiumGiu 10, 2011

North_Polar_Cap-M0303936-PCF-LXTT.jpgFrame M0303936 - The North Polar Cap (Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)230 visitenessun commentoMareKromiumGiu 10, 2011

Vastitas_Borealis-M0002208.jpgVastitas Borealis221 visiteLongitude of image center: 28,18° West
Latitude of image center: 71,71° North
Scaled pixel width: 268,77 meters
Scaled image width: 130,92 Km
Scaled image height: 114,09 Km
Solar Longitude (Ls): 124,16°
Local True Solar Time: 13,96 decimal hours
Emission Angle: 3,67°
Incidence Angle: 53,85°
Phase Angle: 51,48°
North Azimuth: 97,90°
Sun Azimuth: 312,72°
Spacecraft Altitude: 430,41 Km
Slant Distance: 431,19 KmMareKromiumGiu 10, 2011

Craters-Louth_Crater-FHA00988.jpgLouth Crater (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)258 visiteLongitude of image center: 257,06° West
Latitude of image center: 70,63° North
Scaled pixel width: 273,95 meters
Scaled image width: 134,00 Km
Scaled image height: 117,89 Km
Solar Longitude (Ls): 111,09°
Local True Solar Time: 14,04 decimal hours
Emission Angle: 9,38°
Incidence Angle: 50,51°
Phase Angle: 44,37°
North Azimuth: 95,79°
Sun Azimuth: 313,34°
Spacecraft Altitude: 429,28 Km
Slant Distance: 434,44 KmMareKromiumGiu 09, 2011

Craters-Louth_Crater-FHA00989.jpgLouth Crater (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)234 visiteLongitude of image center: 258,32° West
Latitude of image center: 70,58° North
Scaled pixel width: 270,95 meters
Scaled image width: 132,28 Km
Scaled image height: 117,97 Km
Solar Longitude (Ls): 111,09°
Local True Solar Time: 13,96 decimal hours
Emission Angle: 5,68°
Incidence Angle: 50,22°
Phase Angle: 46,39°
North Azimuth: 96,97°
Sun Azimuth: 313,08°
Spacecraft Altitude: 429,28 Km
Slant Distance: 431,16 KmMareKromiumGiu 09, 2011

Clouds-South_Polar_Regions-Chasma_Australe-2003_10_29_M0904025-PCF-LXTT-1.jpgFogs and Clouds over Chasma Australe (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)248 visitenessun commentoMareKromiumMag 17, 2011

Volcanic_Features-Lava_Flows-Olympus_Mons-MGS-PCF-LXTT.jpgOlympus' Lava Flows (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)419 visitenessun commentoMareKromiumMag 15, 2011

North_Polar_Features-Layers-MGS-1-PCF-LXTT.jpgNorth Polar Layers (Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)400 visiteCaption NASA originale:"The middle portion of the Northern Summer Season is the ideal time of year to capture relatively dust- and haze-free views of Martian North Polar Terrain.
This year, much more of the North Polar Cap has sublimed away than has been evident in previous Northern Summers going back to 1999, when MGS began the Mapping Phase of the mission. This MGS-MOC image shows a nearly ice-free view of Layers exposed by erosion in the North Polar Region. The light-toned patches are remnants of water ice frost.
The Layers are generally considered by the Mars scientific community to be record of past depositions of ice and dust. This picture is located near 82,5° North, 118,6° West and covers an area about 3 by 10 Km (approx. 1,9 by 6,2 miles). Sunlight illuminates the scene from the upper left; the image was acquired on September, 22, 2006".MareKromiumMag 15, 2011

North_Polar_Features-Layers-MGS-2-PCF-LXTT.jpgNorth Polar Layers (Enhanced Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)218 visitenessun commentoMareKromiumMag 15, 2011

Tithonium_Chasma-MGS-PCF-LXTT-1.jpgHuge Landslide in Tithonium Chasma (Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)283 visiteCaption NASA originale:"This MGS-MOC image shows a landslide that occurred off of a steep slope in Tithonium Chasma, part of the vast Valles Marineris Trough System".
Location near: 4,8° South Lat.; 84,6° West Long.
Image width: ~3 Km (~1,9 mi)
Illumination from: upper left
Season: Southern AutumnMareKromiumMag 10, 2011
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