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Bye_Hal.jpgSing it for me... (Daisy)175 visite"...I can lead you to the truth, but I can’t make you believe it..."
Note: about "Daisy Bell". The song, the first ever performed by a computer, was called “Daisy Bell”, more commonly known as “Bicycle Built for Two” or “Daisy, Daisy”. When A.C. Clarke collaborated with Sir Stanley Kubrick on "2001: A Space Odyssey", they had HAL-9000 sing it while Dave Bowman powered him down.
"...Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I’m half crazy all for the love of you. It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage. But you’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two".
(AD 1892, by H. Dacre)
MareKromium08/29/23 at 15:51Ufologo: A me piace l'accuratezza dei particolari, com...

Bye_Hal.jpgSing it for me... (Daisy)175 visite"...I can lead you to the truth, but I can’t make you believe it..."
Note: about "Daisy Bell". The song, the first ever performed by a computer, was called “Daisy Bell”, more commonly known as “Bicycle Built for Two” or “Daisy, Daisy”. When A.C. Clarke collaborated with Sir Stanley Kubrick on "2001: A Space Odyssey", they had HAL-9000 sing it while Dave Bowman powered him down.
"...Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I’m half crazy all for the love of you. It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage. But you’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two".
(AD 1892, by H. Dacre)
MareKromium08/29/23 at 15:16Anakin: Non e' che mi entusiasmi molto come film, anc...

Bye_Hal.jpgSing it for me... (Daisy)175 visite"...I can lead you to the truth, but I can’t make you believe it..."
Note: about "Daisy Bell". The song, the first ever performed by a computer, was called “Daisy Bell”, more commonly known as “Bicycle Built for Two” or “Daisy, Daisy”. When A.C. Clarke collaborated with Sir Stanley Kubrick on "2001: A Space Odyssey", they had HAL-9000 sing it while Dave Bowman powered him down.
"...Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I’m half crazy all for the love of you. It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage. But you’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two".
(AD 1892, by H. Dacre)
MareKromium08/29/23 at 11:53Ufologo: Questo film lo vidi la prima volta a Roma (cineram...

Bye_Hal.jpgSing it for me... (Daisy)175 visite"...I can lead you to the truth, but I can’t make you believe it..."
Note: about "Daisy Bell". The song, the first ever performed by a computer, was called “Daisy Bell”, more commonly known as “Bicycle Built for Two” or “Daisy, Daisy”. When A.C. Clarke collaborated with Sir Stanley Kubrick on "2001: A Space Odyssey", they had HAL-9000 sing it while Dave Bowman powered him down.
"...Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I’m half crazy all for the love of you. It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage. But you’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two".
(AD 1892, by H. Dacre)
MareKromium08/29/23 at 10:08Anakin: Non riesco a trovarli. Butta qui dentro i link. se...

Bye_Hal.jpgSing it for me... (Daisy)175 visite"...I can lead you to the truth, but I can’t make you believe it..."
Note: about "Daisy Bell". The song, the first ever performed by a computer, was called “Daisy Bell”, more commonly known as “Bicycle Built for Two” or “Daisy, Daisy”. When A.C. Clarke collaborated with Sir Stanley Kubrick on "2001: A Space Odyssey", they had HAL-9000 sing it while Dave Bowman powered him down.
"...Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I’m half crazy all for the love of you. It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage. But you’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two".
(AD 1892, by H. Dacre)
MareKromium08/28/23 at 09:57Paolo C. Fienga: Guardatevi lo short-movie "Daisy Bell", ...

Apollo_Class.jpgApollo Class114 visite"La Verità non è mai visibile. E' solo un'idea. Ed un'idea la si può vedere?!?"
(Autore sconosciuto)MareKromium07/12/23 at 15:34Ufologo: Infatti ........ (Se almeno fosse facile inserire ...

Apollo_Class.jpgApollo Class114 visite"La Verità non è mai visibile. E' solo un'idea. Ed un'idea la si può vedere?!?"
(Autore sconosciuto)MareKromium07/12/23 at 13:52Anakin: Quindi solo commenti molto brevi? Non oltre il che...

Apollo_Class.jpgApollo Class114 visite"La Verità non è mai visibile. E' solo un'idea. Ed un'idea la si può vedere?!?"
(Autore sconosciuto)MareKromium07/11/23 at 18:42Ufologo: boh ... 45 caratteri? Azz ... Poca roba, specialme...

Apollo_Class.jpgApollo Class114 visite"La Verità non è mai visibile. E' solo un'idea. Ed un'idea la si può vedere?!?"
(Autore sconosciuto)MareKromium07/11/23 at 18:40MareKromium: Neppure io Max. Ho chiesto aiuto.

Apollo_Class.jpgApollo Class114 visite"La Verità non è mai visibile. E' solo un'idea. Ed un'idea la si può vedere?!?"
(Autore sconosciuto)MareKromium07/11/23 at 18:39Ufologo: "Commento 1 a 4 di 4" : non capisco cosa...

Apollo_Class.jpgApollo Class114 visite"La Verità non è mai visibile. E' solo un'idea. Ed un'idea la si può vedere?!?"
(Autore sconosciuto)MareKromium07/11/23 at 18:28MareKromium: Massimo 40/45 caratteri. Leggete gli altri comment...

Apollo_Class.jpgApollo Class114 visite"La Verità non è mai visibile. E' solo un'idea. Ed un'idea la si può vedere?!?"
(Autore sconosciuto)MareKromium07/04/23 at 16:20Ufologo: Io non riesco proprio ... Ecco, forse ora ...
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