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APOLLO 15 AS 15-96-13050.jpgAS 15-96-13050 - Aristarchus: just a "BIG and OLD" crater?266 visitenessun commento11/11/07 at 17:30MareKromium: Migliori di questo: grazie Gigi! Un abbraccio a tu...

APOLLO 15 AS 15-96-13050.jpgAS 15-96-13050 - Aristarchus: just a "BIG and OLD" crater?266 visitenessun commento11/11/07 at 17:27Gianluigi: Nella funzione "cerca" scrivendo Aristar...

APOLLO 15 AS 15-96-13050.jpgAS 15-96-13050 - Aristarchus: just a "BIG and OLD" crater?266 visitenessun commento11/11/07 at 16:14Denver: Ciao Cano00, che dire allora della (grande) strutt...

APOLLO 15 AS 15-96-13050.jpgAS 15-96-13050 - Aristarchus: just a "BIG and OLD" crater?266 visitenessun commento11/10/07 at 22:26Gianluigi: Ciao Cano00... capisco la tua percezione di "...

APOLLO 15 AS 15-96-13050.jpgAS 15-96-13050 - Aristarchus: just a "BIG and OLD" crater?266 visitenessun commento11/10/07 at 18:45MareKromium: Caro Cano00, sposo il tuo approccio: anch'io s...

APOLLO 15 AS 15-96-13050.jpgAS 15-96-13050 - Aristarchus: just a "BIG and OLD" crater?266 visitenessun commento11/10/07 at 18:12titanio44: è un bel buco ;O)

APOLLO 15 AS 15-96-13050.jpgAS 15-96-13050 - Aristarchus: just a "BIG and OLD" crater?266 visitenessun commento11/10/07 at 16:22cano00: Ogni qual volta visiono qusta immagine, non posso ...

APOLLO 15 AS 15-85-11403 HR.jpgAS 15-85-11403 - Mount Hadley in the darkness (HR)217 visiteCaption NASA originale:"122:14:35 MT. Rightward of 11402, showing the view to the North along the in-bound Rover tracks with the deeply shadowed West Face of Mt. Hadley in the distance".11/02/07 at 11:31MareKromium: Complimenti al sempre più attento e bravo Cano00! ...

APOLLO 15 AS 15-85-11403 HR.jpgAS 15-85-11403 - Mount Hadley in the darkness (HR)217 visiteCaption NASA originale:"122:14:35 MT. Rightward of 11402, showing the view to the North along the in-bound Rover tracks with the deeply shadowed West Face of Mt. Hadley in the distance".11/02/07 at 09:52cano00: Per Titanio44 (innanzitutto salutoni): le impronte...

APOLLO 15 AS 15-85-11403 HR.jpgAS 15-85-11403 - Mount Hadley in the darkness (HR)217 visiteCaption NASA originale:"122:14:35 MT. Rightward of 11402, showing the view to the North along the in-bound Rover tracks with the deeply shadowed West Face of Mt. Hadley in the distance".11/01/07 at 08:09MareKromium: Carissimo Cano00, OTTIMA osservazione: la "co...

APOLLO 15 AS 15-85-11403 HR.jpgAS 15-85-11403 - Mount Hadley in the darkness (HR)217 visiteCaption NASA originale:"122:14:35 MT. Rightward of 11402, showing the view to the North along the in-bound Rover tracks with the deeply shadowed West Face of Mt. Hadley in the distance".10/31/07 at 19:09titanio44: dalle tracce del suolo da che parte è andato il rove...

APOLLO 15 AS 15-85-11403 HR.jpgAS 15-85-11403 - Mount Hadley in the darkness (HR)217 visiteCaption NASA originale:"122:14:35 MT. Rightward of 11402, showing the view to the North along the in-bound Rover tracks with the deeply shadowed West Face of Mt. Hadley in the distance".10/31/07 at 17:57cano00: Indubbiamente, ogni volta che si prova ad analizza...
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