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Controversial_Features-The_Villa-AB108405-SF-04.jpgUnusual Squared Structure on Mars (5)113 visite"...The deltaic dispersal at the base of the cliff face as well as the fluid's entire path from the conduit can be seen in this larger image, below. The four blue arcs coming from the pipe edge represent four separate flow rates and correspond to the 3 large gouges and 1 smaller gouge eroded away in that ledge beneath the pipe outflow. Note that the fluid streaming from the end of the pipe can be clearly seen as well as the fluids cascading down the lower cliff face and the deltaic dispersal of these fluids forming lobate "tongues". The dispersal of the fluids at the base of cliff clearly shows the change of albedo of the topography to a much lighter tone and the dispersal pattern due to the wet reflectance of the soils there.
NASA's satellite Mars Odyssey recently arrived at Mars with one of its primary objectives being -- finding water!. Perhaps they need to only ask those who are already there...".11/20/23 at 17:09Paolo C. Fienga: Che ci abbiano nascosto il 99% della Verita' ...

Controversial_Features-The_Villa-AB108405-SF-04.jpgUnusual Squared Structure on Mars (5)113 visite"...The deltaic dispersal at the base of the cliff face as well as the fluid's entire path from the conduit can be seen in this larger image, below. The four blue arcs coming from the pipe edge represent four separate flow rates and correspond to the 3 large gouges and 1 smaller gouge eroded away in that ledge beneath the pipe outflow. Note that the fluid streaming from the end of the pipe can be clearly seen as well as the fluids cascading down the lower cliff face and the deltaic dispersal of these fluids forming lobate "tongues". The dispersal of the fluids at the base of cliff clearly shows the change of albedo of the topography to a much lighter tone and the dispersal pattern due to the wet reflectance of the soils there.
NASA's satellite Mars Odyssey recently arrived at Mars with one of its primary objectives being -- finding water!. Perhaps they need to only ask those who are already there...".11/17/23 at 15:45Anakin: lascio una porta aperta alla possibilita' che...

Controversial_Features-The_Villa-AB108405-SF-04.jpgUnusual Squared Structure on Mars (5)113 visite"...The deltaic dispersal at the base of the cliff face as well as the fluid's entire path from the conduit can be seen in this larger image, below. The four blue arcs coming from the pipe edge represent four separate flow rates and correspond to the 3 large gouges and 1 smaller gouge eroded away in that ledge beneath the pipe outflow. Note that the fluid streaming from the end of the pipe can be clearly seen as well as the fluids cascading down the lower cliff face and the deltaic dispersal of these fluids forming lobate "tongues". The dispersal of the fluids at the base of cliff clearly shows the change of albedo of the topography to a much lighter tone and the dispersal pattern due to the wet reflectance of the soils there.
NASA's satellite Mars Odyssey recently arrived at Mars with one of its primary objectives being -- finding water!. Perhaps they need to only ask those who are already there...".11/07/23 at 15:45Ufologo: Ma ... moolto indietro! ("Rientriamo" an...

Controversial_Features-The_Villa-AB108405-SF-04.jpgUnusual Squared Structure on Mars (5)113 visite"...The deltaic dispersal at the base of the cliff face as well as the fluid's entire path from the conduit can be seen in this larger image, below. The four blue arcs coming from the pipe edge represent four separate flow rates and correspond to the 3 large gouges and 1 smaller gouge eroded away in that ledge beneath the pipe outflow. Note that the fluid streaming from the end of the pipe can be clearly seen as well as the fluids cascading down the lower cliff face and the deltaic dispersal of these fluids forming lobate "tongues". The dispersal of the fluids at the base of cliff clearly shows the change of albedo of the topography to a much lighter tone and the dispersal pattern due to the wet reflectance of the soils there.
NASA's satellite Mars Odyssey recently arrived at Mars with one of its primary objectives being -- finding water!. Perhaps they need to only ask those who are already there...".11/07/23 at 15:28Paolo C. Fienga: No, Amico mio. SIamo ancora TROPPO indietro...

Controversial_Features-The_Villa-AB108405-SF-04.jpgUnusual Squared Structure on Mars (5)113 visite"...The deltaic dispersal at the base of the cliff face as well as the fluid's entire path from the conduit can be seen in this larger image, below. The four blue arcs coming from the pipe edge represent four separate flow rates and correspond to the 3 large gouges and 1 smaller gouge eroded away in that ledge beneath the pipe outflow. Note that the fluid streaming from the end of the pipe can be clearly seen as well as the fluids cascading down the lower cliff face and the deltaic dispersal of these fluids forming lobate "tongues". The dispersal of the fluids at the base of cliff clearly shows the change of albedo of the topography to a much lighter tone and the dispersal pattern due to the wet reflectance of the soils there.
NASA's satellite Mars Odyssey recently arrived at Mars with one of its primary objectives being -- finding water!. Perhaps they need to only ask those who are already there...".11/01/23 at 13:49Anakin: che sia vera la leggenda che vuole militari di ist...

Controversial_Features-The_Villa-AB108405-SF-04.jpgUnusual Squared Structure on Mars (5)113 visite"...The deltaic dispersal at the base of the cliff face as well as the fluid's entire path from the conduit can be seen in this larger image, below. The four blue arcs coming from the pipe edge represent four separate flow rates and correspond to the 3 large gouges and 1 smaller gouge eroded away in that ledge beneath the pipe outflow. Note that the fluid streaming from the end of the pipe can be clearly seen as well as the fluids cascading down the lower cliff face and the deltaic dispersal of these fluids forming lobate "tongues". The dispersal of the fluids at the base of cliff clearly shows the change of albedo of the topography to a much lighter tone and the dispersal pattern due to the wet reflectance of the soils there.
NASA's satellite Mars Odyssey recently arrived at Mars with one of its primary objectives being -- finding water!. Perhaps they need to only ask those who are already there...".10/15/23 at 17:38Paolo C. Fienga: Mai capita questa ipotetica "struttura"....

Martian_Eclipse-moc2_msss_3shadow100-01.jpgMOC Views of Martian Solar Eclipses (Original NASA/MGS/MSSS - Natural Color Frame)126 visiteThis picture shows wide angle red (left), blue (middle) and color composite (right) views of the shadow of Phobos (elliptical feature at center of each frame) as it was cast upon western Xanthe Terra on August 26, 1999, at about 2 p.m. local time on Mars. The image covers an area about 250 Km (155 miles) across and is illuminated from the left. The meandering Nanedi Valles is visible in the lower right corner of the scene. Note the dark spots on three crater floors - these appear dark in the red camera image (left) but are barely distingished in the blue image (middle), while the shadow is dark in both images. The spots on the crater floors are probably small fields of dark sand dunes.03/06/22 at 17:52Paolo C. Fienga: E' da molti giorni che studio le "ombre&q...

Martian_Eclipse-moc2_msss_3shadow100-01.jpgMOC Views of Martian Solar Eclipses (Original NASA/MGS/MSSS - Natural Color Frame)126 visiteThis picture shows wide angle red (left), blue (middle) and color composite (right) views of the shadow of Phobos (elliptical feature at center of each frame) as it was cast upon western Xanthe Terra on August 26, 1999, at about 2 p.m. local time on Mars. The image covers an area about 250 Km (155 miles) across and is illuminated from the left. The meandering Nanedi Valles is visible in the lower right corner of the scene. Note the dark spots on three crater floors - these appear dark in the red camera image (left) but are barely distingished in the blue image (middle), while the shadow is dark in both images. The spots on the crater floors are probably small fields of dark sand dunes.03/05/22 at 20:47walthari: non puņ assolutamente esserlo dai, neppure immaginand...

Martian_Eclipse-moc2_msss_3shadow100-01.jpgMOC Views of Martian Solar Eclipses (Original NASA/MGS/MSSS - Natural Color Frame)126 visiteThis picture shows wide angle red (left), blue (middle) and color composite (right) views of the shadow of Phobos (elliptical feature at center of each frame) as it was cast upon western Xanthe Terra on August 26, 1999, at about 2 p.m. local time on Mars. The image covers an area about 250 Km (155 miles) across and is illuminated from the left. The meandering Nanedi Valles is visible in the lower right corner of the scene. Note the dark spots on three crater floors - these appear dark in the red camera image (left) but are barely distingished in the blue image (middle), while the shadow is dark in both images. The spots on the crater floors are probably small fields of dark sand dunes.02/27/22 at 20:47MareKromium: E sarebbe questa l'Ombra di Phobos? Ma andate ...

Volcanoes-Arsia_Mons-03-PIA04294.jpgArsia Mons and its "clouds" (3) - 25 February 2005 (Extremely Saturated Natural Colors; credits NASA/JPL/MSSS)97 visiteOriginal caption:"The spiral dust cloud over Arsia Mons repeats each year, but observations and computer calculations indicate it can only form during a short period of time each year. Similar spiral clouds have not been seen over the other large Tharsis volcanoes, but other types of clouds have been seen. The spiral dust cloud over Arsia Mons can tower 15 to 30 Km (9 to 19 miles) above the volcano. The white and bluish areas in the images are thin clouds of water ice. In the 2005 case, more water ice was present than in the previous years at the time the pictures were obtained. For scale, the caldera of Arsia Mons is about 110 Km (about 68 miles) across, and the summit of the volcano stands about 10 Km (6 miles) above its surrounding plains"02/04/22 at 19:15Paolo C. Fienga: ...Ed infatti, io, come qualche altro milione di &...

Volcanoes-Arsia_Mons-03-PIA04294.jpgArsia Mons and its "clouds" (3) - 25 February 2005 (Extremely Saturated Natural Colors; credits NASA/JPL/MSSS)97 visiteOriginal caption:"The spiral dust cloud over Arsia Mons repeats each year, but observations and computer calculations indicate it can only form during a short period of time each year. Similar spiral clouds have not been seen over the other large Tharsis volcanoes, but other types of clouds have been seen. The spiral dust cloud over Arsia Mons can tower 15 to 30 Km (9 to 19 miles) above the volcano. The white and bluish areas in the images are thin clouds of water ice. In the 2005 case, more water ice was present than in the previous years at the time the pictures were obtained. For scale, the caldera of Arsia Mons is about 110 Km (about 68 miles) across, and the summit of the volcano stands about 10 Km (6 miles) above its surrounding plains"02/02/22 at 20:58Anakin: L'italiano non č degno di appartenere ad un popo...

Volcanoes-Arsia_Mons-03-PIA04294.jpgArsia Mons and its "clouds" (3) - 25 February 2005 (Extremely Saturated Natural Colors; credits NASA/JPL/MSSS)97 visiteOriginal caption:"The spiral dust cloud over Arsia Mons repeats each year, but observations and computer calculations indicate it can only form during a short period of time each year. Similar spiral clouds have not been seen over the other large Tharsis volcanoes, but other types of clouds have been seen. The spiral dust cloud over Arsia Mons can tower 15 to 30 Km (9 to 19 miles) above the volcano. The white and bluish areas in the images are thin clouds of water ice. In the 2005 case, more water ice was present than in the previous years at the time the pictures were obtained. For scale, the caldera of Arsia Mons is about 110 Km (about 68 miles) across, and the summit of the volcano stands about 10 Km (6 miles) above its surrounding plains"02/02/22 at 17:36Paolo C. Fienga: Si, da Marzo. Da 0 a 5 anni, tutti bucati. Se foss...
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