Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)

PSP_003252_1425_RED_browse-01.jpgBright Gully Deposit in Terra Sirenum (the "crater" - close-up; false colors)56 visiteAs seen in the context image and here, the appearance of the crater wall differs between the Northern and Southern Sides. On the Northern Pole-Facing Side Walls, prominent gullies with channels and aprons are apparent, with many of these having valley-like alcoves near their tops. The morphology of the gullies is consistent with formation by a fluid, most likely water.
On the pole-facing slopes, ground ice or aquifers may be more stable, being subjected to less heating from sunlight compared to equator-facing slopes.
In contrast, the Southern, Equator-Facing Walls are dominated by rocky debris flows that lack prominent channels.MareKromium

PSP_003252_1425_RED_browse-02.jpgBright Gully Deposit in Terra Sirenum (the "gully" - close-up; false colors)53 visiteThe bright gully deposit has a very fluid-like appearance, and has not been covered by other gullies or debris flows, indicating a young age. The brightness is a mystery; it could be due to minerals formed from water or ice.
Alternatively, the flow that made the gully may have removed a thin coating of relatively darker dust and soil, revealing a brighter substrate.
In any case, this feature is probably indicative of recent flow of water or water-rich material on Mars.MareKromium

PSP_003253_1880_RED_abrowse-00.jpgUnnamed Crater with "Pedestal" (CTX Frame - Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)71 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

PSP_003253_1880_RED_abrowse-01.jpgUnnamed Crater with "Pedestal": the "Steps" (EDM - Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)74 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

PSP_003269_1600_RED_abrowse.jpgSouthern Alluvial Fan (Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)99 visiteHiRISE image PSP_003269_1600 covers an Alluvial Fan along the wall of a large Unnamed Crater in the Mid Latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere of Mars.
The Fan was formed when water and sediments drained down the steep wall of the Crater creating a cone-shaped pile of debris at the base.
As the Fan grew with time, the Channels carrying water and sediment across its Surface changed locations, thus producing a Layered Deposit capped by Channels radiating from the Fan apex along the Crater Wall.
Subsequent stripping of the Fan Surface by the wind has left the coarser Channel Deposits in relief and exposed the fine scale layering within the Fan in many locations.
While is it is not known whether the source of the water responsible for creating the Fan was related runoff from precipitation or groundwater or perhaps both, Alluvial Fans of broadly similar form are observed in many locations on Earth and are usually formed by runoff from precipitation. MareKromium

PSP_003273_1675_RED_browse-PCF-LXTT.jpgThrough in Evros Vallis (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)103 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

PSP_003292_2025.jpgCollapse Pits (natural colors + MULTISPECTRUM; credits: Dr M. Faccin e Lunexit)67 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

PSP_003317_1975_and_ESP_003317_1975-EB-LXTT-00.jpgThe "OO Pits" - Rimless Collapse Pits in Tharsis (CTX Frame - Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)120 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

PSP_003317_1975_and_ESP_003317_1975-EB-LXTT-01.jpgThe "OO Pits" - Rimless Collapse Pits in Tharsis (High-Def-3D; credits for the additional process.: Elisabetta Bonora - Lunexit Team)78 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

PSP_003317_1975_and_ESP_003317_1975-EB-LXTT-02.jpgThe "OO Pits" - Rimless Collapse Pits in Tharsis (High-Def-3D; credits for the additional process.: Elisabetta Bonora - Lunexit Team)130 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

PSP_003326_1800_RED_browse.jpgProposed MSL Landing Site in Eastern Meridiani (possible True Colors; credits: Lunar Explorer Italia)63 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

PSP_003368_1755_RED_browse.jpgProposed MSL Site in Juventae Chasma (detail of the so-called "Martian Handwriting")109 visiteForse qualche Lettore avrà già riconosciuto il luogo e l'oggetto di questa ripresa e forse no.
Nel dubbio, Vi diciamo che si dovrebbe trattare (il condizionale è d'obbligo, poichè non abbiamo le coordinate esatte al centesimo di grado e quindi potremmo anche sbagliarci - ma di poco...) di una porzione della famosa - si fa per dire, naturalmente - "Scritta Marziana" di cui si è parlato sia nel Forum di, sia nella nostra Rubrica TruePlanets.
Nostra opinione?
Se si tratta effettivamente di una porzione della "Scritta", allora pensiamo che adesso risulterà evidente a tutti come il parlare di artificialità del rilievo sia stato non solo azzardato e fuori luogo, ma addirittura ridicolo.
In caso contrario (e cioè qualora questo dettaglio fosse semplicemente relativo ad una zona promiscua alla "Scritta"), un simile e spettacolare frame MRO ci deve comunque essere di aiuto per capire, una volta che esso sia stato posto a confronto con il frame ESA-Mars Express relativo alla medesima zona, che l'operare congetture usando le orrende ed extra-piallate pseudo-immagini ESA è più che periglioso: è - semplicemente - assurdo.
E con questo, almeno per noi, la querelle sulla "Calligrafia Marziana"...è chiusa.MareKromium
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