
Earth__Impact_Craters_-_Acraman_Crater_-_Australia.jpgAcraman Crater (Australia)138 visiteCreato dall'impatto di un asteroide 590 milioni di anni fa, il cratere Acraman (Dia. 40 Km c.a.) nella Australia meridionale e' definito dal lago Acraman.MareKromium

Earth__Impact_Craters_-_Bosumtwi_Crater_-_Ghana.jpgBosumtwi Crater (Ghana)148 visiteIl lago Bosumtwi, l'unico lago naturale del Ghana, e' sprofondato in un antico cratere da impatto situato a sud-est di Kumasi. Gli Ashanti considerano Bosumtwi un lago sacro.MareKromium

Earth__Impact_Craters_-_Lonar_Crater_-_India.jpgLonar Crater (India)170 visiteIl lago Lonar nello stato del Maharashtra si trova in un cratere formatosi a seguito dell'impatto di un meteorite avvenuto tra 35.000 e 50.000 anni fa.MareKromium

Earth__Impact_Craters_-_Wolfe_Creek_Crater_-_Australia.jpgWolfe Creek Crater (Australia)163 visiteUn altro sito di impatto sorprendentemente ben conservato, il Wolfe Creek Crater nell'Australia occidentale ha un diametro di circa 875 metri. Si stima che il cratere abbia meno di 120.000 anni e costituisce il fulcro del Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater National Park.MareKromium

Earth___Mars.jpgEarth and Mars171 visiteDa "NASA - Picture of the Day" del 12 Aprile 2005:"Which image is Earth and which is Mars? One of the above images was taken by the robot Spirit Rover currently climbing Husband Hill on Mars. The other image was taken by a human across the desert south of Morocco on Earth. Both images show vast plains covered with rocks and sand. Neither shows water or obvious signs of life. Each Planet has a surface so complex that any one image does not do that planet justice. Understanding either one, it turns out, helps understand the other. Does the one on the left look like home? Possibly not, but it is Earth".
Una splendida immagine, un'intelligente comparazione, una ovvia domanda: siamo proprio certi che Marte sia un Pianeta "morto"?!?

Earth_and_Moon.gifMother and Daughter...113 visiteA NASA camera aboard the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) satellite captured a unique view of the Moon as it moved in front of the sunlit side of Earth last month.
The series of test images shows the fully illuminated “dark side” of the Moon that is never visible from Earth.
The images were captured by NASA’s Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC), a four megapixel CCD camera and telescope on the DSCOVR satellite orbiting 1 MMs from Earth. From its position between the Sun and Earth, DSCOVR conducts its primary mission of real-time solar wind monitoring for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).MareKromium

Earthly Sky.jpgNot a "Nebular Cloud"...Just a "cloud"!115 visitenessun commento

EonsMark-GB-LXTT.jpgThe Eons' Mark (Natural Colors; credits: Dr G. Barca - Lunexit Team)63 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

Equinox.jpgEquinox134 visite

Equinox~0.jpgEquinox (Credits: Robert Fedez) 104 visite“...Inferno è quando le giuste imprese non si compiono.
Inferno è quando ogni seme di rosa, non diventa rosa.
Inferno è quando la rosa si convince che non profuma.
L'Inferno è un passaggio a livello aperto verso un muro...”
Alessandro d'AveniaMareKromium

Eternity.jpgBeyond...54 visite"...A well-written Life is almost as rare as a well-spent one..."
Thomas Carlyle (1795 - 1881) - "Critical and Miscellaneous Essays" (1838) MareKromium
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