Faulted, Layered Deposits in Candor Chasma (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)
Acquisition date: May, 3, 2011
Mars Local Time: 14:34 (Early Afternoon)
Latitude (centered): 6,6° South
Longitude (East): 284,1°
Spacecraft Altitude (such as "Range to Target Site"): 269,1 Km (168,2 miles)
Original Image Scale Range: 26,9 cm/pixel (with 1 x 1 binning) so objects ~81 cm across are resolved
Map Projected Scale: 25 cm/pixel
Emission Angle: 12,6°
Sun-Target-MRO (such as "Phase") Angle: 29,6°
Solar Incidence Angle (S.I.A.): 41°, with the Sun about 49° above the Local Horizon
Solar Longitude: 285,6° (Northern Winter)