Candor Chasma
This HiRISE sub-image shows the steep slopes along wallrock in the eastern edge of West Candor Chasma. In general, the rocks in the upper part of the canyons are interpreted to be lava flows that cover the plains surrounding Valles Marineris, whereas the deeper material along the walls could be either more lava flows or megaregolith that resulted from numerous impact craters that disrupted the Martian surface during the first billion years after formation of the planet. Resistant material is visible in portions of the sub-image and HiRISE is able to resolve 1-2 meter size boulders shedding out of these resistant wallrock units. The bright and dark lineations seen in the right of the sub-image follow the slope of the wallrock (downslope is towards the top of the sub-image) and likely represent bright dust and dark sand that are sliding downslope. The large number of small impact craters visible along the slopes indicates that there isn't a large amount of material moving downslope recently because these craters would have been destroyed or buried.