Eberswalde Crater and Delta in HR
Original caption:"Additional images from MOC provide some context and show a nearby portion of the fossil delta's inverted channels at a spatial scale of 1,5 mt (about 5 feet) per pixel. The relative positions of these 3 images are indicated in a mosaic image of the entire delta - picture (1). The first MOC narrow angle images of some of the landforms in the delta were acquired in 2000, during the MGS primary mission, but those pictures did not show very well the unambiguous inverted channel forms. Not until the second Earth year of the orbiter's extended mission were the deltaic features recognized in MOC images obtained in March and June of 2002.
Following the initial observations in 2002, the MOC Team began a systematic effort to map the entire Eberswalde Crater delta. Most of this imaging required slewing the whole spacecraft in a technique called "roll only targeted observation" so that it pointed the camera toward the feature. In this way, the camera team was able to build up a mosaic of the delta much more quickly than would have been the case if the team had simply relied upon chance crossing of the delta by the orbiter's usual ground track. This technique was not employed during Mars Global Surveyor's primary mission, except in the search for Mars Polar Lander, but became a routine part of the tool kit during the extended mission".