Sedimentary Rocks (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)
Caption NASA originale:"Burial and Exhumation of Impact Craters, and their destruction by erosion, are common and repeated themes all over the Surface of Mars. Many Craters in Western Arabia Terra exhibit light-toned, Layered Outcrops of ancient Sedimentary Rock. Like the Sedimentary Rocks explored further to the South in Meridiani Planum by the Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover (MER-B), these "Intracrater Sedimentary Rocks" may have been deposited in water. This MGS-MOC image shows an example of light-toned Sedimentary Rocks outcropping in an Unnamed Crater that is much farther North than most of the similar examples in Western Arabia Terra. This one is located near 36,6° North Lat. and 1,4° West Long. and shows several old Impact Craters in various states of erosion and exhumation from beneath and within the Sedimentary Rock Materials. The image covers an area of approx. 3 Km".