Features and Proximities of Lau Crater (CTX Frame - Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)
Caption NASA:"The Martian Southern Hemisphere was nearly 2 months into its Spring Season when this picture was taken by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) on September 25, 1999. The scene covers a vast, Frost-coated Plain located South of the martian Antarctic Circle. The icy Terrain in the image has an almost pastel-like character, owing to the mixture of reddish Dust both on, in, and under the white Frost. The Frost - mostly frozen water at this time of year - is left over from Winter, which ended on August 2, 1999. One Martian Year is about 687 Earth days long, thus each of the Planet's 4 seasons are nearly twice as long as seasons on Earth.
The largest Crater visible in the upper left of the frame is Lau Crater, named for the Danish Astronomer, Hans E. Lau (1879-1918). The Dark Spot near the center of the image has no name, and its origin is unknown. The picture covers an area about 1.020 Km across by approximately 1.240 Km down.
The center is located near 76° South Lat. and 97° West Long.; North is toward the upper right. Sunlight illuminates the scene from the upper left".