Northern Dunes (CTX Frame "B" - Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga/Lunexit Team)
This Field of crescent-shaped Dunes (located at Lat. 73,62° North and 328,215° East Long.) is located just South of the North Polar Layered Terrain. These Dunes, known as "Barchan Dunes", usually form where there is a moderate supply of Sand and a Prevailing Wind Direction (meaning that they form in Regions where there are Dominant Winds). The "Arms" (or "Horns") of the Barchan Dunes point in the downwind direction and in this case this circumstance indicates that the Dominant Winds blow towards the North/West.
Mars Local Time: 14:42 (Early Afternoon)
Coord. (centered): 73,622° North Lat. and 328,215° East Long.
Spacecraft altitude: 316,7 Km (such as about 198,0 miles)
Original image scale range: 63,4 cm/pixel (with 2 x 2 binning) so objects ~ 1 mt and 90 cm across are resolved
Map projected scale: 50 cm/pixel
Emission Angle: 1,9°
Sun - Mars - MRO (or "Phase") Angle: 57,6°
Solar Incidence Angle: 56° (meaning that the Sun is about 34° above the Local Horizon)
Solar Longitude: 117,4° (Northern Summer - Southern Winter)
Credits: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
Additional process. and coloring: Lunar Explorer Italia