South Polar Dust Fans (CTX Frame - Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)
During the long and dark night of Martian Winter at the South Pole, CO2 in its solid form ("dry ice") accumulates and forms the so-called "Seasonal South Polar Cap". Afterwards, as the Sun comes up in the Spring, the ice evaporates in a complex way.
This observation shows Dark Dust being blown across the Seasonal South Polar Cap. The dust comes from the Surface beneath the ice: it either starts at spots bare of ice, or it's possible that it's lofted from below the ice in geyser-like plumes.
Local winds blow the dust from its source, forming a long Fan. When the wind changes direction, a new Fan is formed pointing in the new direction In this image we can see that the wind has blown in a number of directions.
These data will be used to study - among other things - the Weather Patterns near the South Pole.