Edge along Gale Craters's Interior Mound (Natural Colors; credits: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)
Gale Crater is one of several craters around the Equator that show the presence of Light-Toned Layered Deposits (or LTLD). This HiRISE image covers the northern edge of the LTLD in the Central Mound of Gale Crater, as well as a small portion of the Crater Floor. The right side of the image shows a relatively flat surface with some Impact Craters.
Moving to the left (Southward), there is a large Canyon where Dark Sands have accumulated and formed Ripples and Dunes.
As one moves further to the South, the LTLD rises upward in topography and Layering is visible in some locations. The Surface of the LTLD is very fractured, producing meter-size blocks.
The fact that we don't see many loose rocks along the Surface suggests that the rocks are quickly being destroyed by winds due to their fragile nature.
Resistant Hills, on the other side, tend to be elongated, which is consistent with upslope or downslope winds eroding the rocks themselves.