Flood-carved Canyon in Kasei Valles (Natural Colors; credits: Lunexit)
This HiRISE image shows a wonderfully complex surface on the floor of this ancient Flood-carved Canyon.
The floor of this Canyon, now, does not show any kind of landform that scientists expect to see from the occurrence of flood erosion phenomena.
Instead, it appears that the floor of the valley has been covered, after the inundation that first designed it, by another flow made by some very dense material that also contained huge ridged plates.
Some of the plates are more than 1 Km (0,6 miles) across. The ridges appear to have formed when the solid crust on the flow crumpled; the plates are pieces of the crust that were rafted apart.
Actually, very large Lava Flows can produce a surface like this, but also water-ice and frozen mud can create similar features.