Inverted Channels and Yardangs in Aeolis Mensae (edm - natural colors; credits: Lunexit)
Aeolis Mensae is well-known for its unusual features commonly related to wind activity on the Planet’s Surface. Near the bottom of the image (see the edm here) is a long, sinuous, flat-topped feature that has been exposed by wind erosion.
This sinuous ridge is one of several similar ridges in the region that are believed to be former stream channels now preserved in inverted relief.
On Earth, inverted relief occurs when formerly low-lying areas become elevated because the original depression is filled with materials, such as lava, that are more resistant to erosion than the surrounding terrain. In the case of stream channels, the streambed may contain larger rocks and/or sediments that have been cemented by chemicals precipitating from flowing water that remain, while adjacent fine material is blown away by the wind. In this location, it is most likely that water once flowed through this channel and deposited sediments that eventually filled the channel and became cemented.
Over time, wind eroded the surrounding surface leaving the remnant channel exposed as a raised flat-topped ridge.
On either side of the Inverted Channel and throughout the image are several linear, streamlined ridges oriented roughly South to North. These are Yardangs, such as streamlined remnants of material shaped by the action of sand-blown sediments that eroded away weaker material.
Landforms such as these are common in desert areas on Earth. The orientation of the Yardangs indicates the primary wind direction.