Old Faithful...
Caption NASA:"You don't have to be at Yellowstone to see a sky this beautiful, but it helps. Only at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, USA, would you see the picturesque foreground of the famous "Old Faithful Geyser" erupting in front an already picturesque sky. Old Faithful Geyser, visible in the foreground, is seen propelling a stream of hot water over 30 mt up in the air. This happens predictably for a few minutes about every 90 minutes. Also predictable are the brightest orbs that popular the nighttime sky, although those visible at any one time keep changing. Visible far in the background sky of this mid-June image are the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy on the left, and the bright planet Jupiter on the right. Jupiter is the brightest celestial object in the entire image. Old Faithful has been erupting at least since the late 1800s".
Nota: siamo curiosi di vedere quando la NASA "ipotizzerà" (ironizziamo, poichè le evidenze fotografiche in nostro possesso sono già innumerevoli) che alcuni fenomeni attualmente catalogati come "minicicloni" o "Dust Devils" (DD) sono, in realtà (ed in maniera particolare nelle aree presso-polari), dei geysers.
Geysers che, a volte, eruttano fango e ghiaccio e, altre volte - forse - acqua calda ed idrocarburi.
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