Fretted Terrain and Lyot Crater (Absolute Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)
Caption NASA:"Martian "fretted (--->corrugato/increspato) terrain" occurs in Regions of "Buttes" (--->colline "a ceppo") and "Mesas" (--->altopiani) that stand at the erosional margin where Northern low-lying Plains meet the higher-standing Cratered Uplands. Found mostly in the Mid-Northern Latitudes, some of the best examples of "Fretted Terrain" occur in the Deuteronilus Mensae Region. Here, the interaction of the process that creates the Mesas and Buttes, the processes that modify these surfaces after they form, and the relationship of both of these processes with the near-instantaneous event that formed the large Crater Lyot, provide us places to look to decipher this small but important piece of Martian Geological History.