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0-APOLLO_08_Insignia.jpgThe Apollo 8 "Insignia"53 visite

Aeolian_Features-DD_Tracks-AoniaTerra-MO-20090413a.jpgDust Devil Tracks in Aonia Terra (Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunar Explorer Italia)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

Albiorix-N00160116-001060221-EB-LXTT.gifAlbiorix and the Space of Saturn (a GIF-Movie by Elisabetta Bonora - Lunexit Team)72 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

Antoniadi-UVVis.jpg160 - Antoniadi Crater55 visitenessun commento

Atlas,_Daphins_and_Pan-PIA21449.jpgAtlas, Daphnis and Pan155 visiteCaption NASA:"This montage of views from NASA's Cassini Spacecraft shows three of Saturn's Small Ring moons: Atlas, Daphnis and Pan at the same scale for ease of comparison.
Two differences between Atlas and Pan are obvious in this montage. Pan's Equatorial Band is much thinner and more sharply defined, and the central mass of Atlas (the part underneath the smooth Equatorial Band) appears to be smaller than that of Pan.
All of these images were taken using the Cassini Spacecraft Narrow-Angle Camera. The images of Atlas were acquired on April 12, 2017, at a distance of about 10.000 miles (approx. 16,0093 Km) and at a Sun-moons-Spacecraft angle (or Phase Angle) of 37°. All three images are oriented so that North is up".MareKromium

Atlas.jpgAtlas (Credits: Dr Marco Faccin and Elisabetta Bonora)183 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

Calypso-EB1.jpgCalypso (Natural Colors; credits: Elisabetta Bonora)54 visitenessun commentoMareKromium

Calypso-EB2.jpgCalypso (Natural Colors; credits: Elisabetta Bonora)116 visite...Altro "Frammento Artistico" che ci rammenta le sfumature e le tenui - ma sempre affascinanti - colorazioni di Mondi immersi nel solo "Chiaro di Stelle" e, probabilmente, ancora troppo lontani dall'Immaginario Collettivo per suscitare interessi particolari. Purtroppo.
Grandi Complimenti ad Elisabetta Bonora per il Lavoro!MareKromium

Chaotic_Terrain-Memnonia-PIA08104-1.jpgChaotic Terrain between Memnonia Fossae and Elysium Planitia (1 - Original NASA/JPL/ASU b/w Frame)54 visiteCaption NASA originale:"These arcuate fractures are located on the margin between Memnonia Fossae and Elysium Planitia".
Image information: VIS instrument;
Latitude: 1,4° North;
Longitude: 177,5° East;
Resolution: 18 meter/pixel.

Chaotic_Terrain-Memnonia-PIA08104-2.jpgChaotic Terrain between Memnonia Fossae and Elysium Planitia (2 - Original NASA/JPL/ASU b/w Frame)54 visitenessun commento

Clem_insignia.jpg001 - Clementine's "Insignia"60 visitenessun commento
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