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25305 file in 104 album e 5 categorie con 25218 commenti, visti 2817597 volte |

Immagini a caso |

OPP-SOL896-B_P2558_1_True_RAD-B918R1.jpgBaltra - Sol 89653 visiteNASA's MER Opportunity recently stopped to analyze an exposure of rock near Beagle Crater, on a target nicknamed Baltra. Nearly 100 Soles have passed since Opportunity had last analyzed one of the now-familiar rock exposures seen on the Plains of Meridiani. The Rover ground a mm-deep (0,12"-deep) hole in the rock using the RAT on Sol 893 (July 29, 2006) while stationed about 25 mt (82 feet) from the South-West rim of Beagle Crater.
Scientists wanted to analyze the outcrop one more time before driving the Rover onto the ring of smooth material surrounding Victoria Crater. Opportunity's analysis showed the rock to be very similar in its elemental composition to other exposures encountered during the Rover's Southward trek across Meridiani Planum.
Opportunity acquired the image data shown here shortly after noon on Mars on Sol 896 (Aug. 1, 2006) with the PanCam after backing up 1 mt (3,3 feet) from Baltra to make sure that the target was in full Sunlight.
This is an approximately true-color Pancam image, generated from mathematical combinations of calibrated left-eye images using filters ranging from 432-nanometer to 753-nanometer wavelengths.

OPP-SOL101-1P137171362EFF2019P2680L2M1.jpgSunset on Mars: the whole sequence (3)58 visitenessun commento

OPP-SOL714-MF-LXTT-3.jpgIs this just a "Small Flat Rock"? - Sol 714 (EDM n.2 - credits for the additional process.: Dr Marco Faccin - Lunexit Team)494 visiteCome sapete, se siete dei Lettori fedeli ed assidui di Lunexit, la nostra posizione "finale" su qualsiasi frame il quale presenti caratteri "anomali" nel suo contesto è e sarà SEMPRE una posizione pragmatica ma anche, in determinati casi ed a determinate condizioni, "possibilista".
E questo è uno di quei "casi" in cui, a nostro modestissimo parere, non ci è possibile - alla fine dell'analisi - nè optare per l'Ipotesi Esotica (presenza di una Forma Vitale Indigena), per evidente carenza di sufficienti elementi di supporto, nè optare per l'Ipotesi "Classica" (trattasi di semplice roccia), per evidente presenza di svariati elementi che SEMBRANO suggerire scenari diversi.
Su tutti, oltre alla forma e colore del Dettaglio - i quali lo distinguono nettamente dai suoi dintorni, con ciò rendendolo "Anomalo" (nel senso di 'fuori-contesto') - diremmo che è proprio la configurazione esteriore (e cioè la "posizione") dell'Anomalìa, in relazione al contesto al quale Essa accede, che rende quanto ripreso del tutto particolare e, a nostro avviso, intrigante.
Ognuno di Voi, poi (ed ovviamente), potrà trarre le conclusioni che ritiene più opportune. Quello che era il nostro compito (e cioè EVIDENZIARE un Dettaglio intrigante), grazie al Lavoro del nostro Amico e Partner, Marco Faccin, è stato assolto. Ed ancora una volta, per coloro che vogliono "vedere" oltre che "guardare", c'è tantissimo Food-for-Thoughts"!
Complimenti grandissimi, as usual, al nostro Titanio44!!!MareKromium

APOLLO 14 AS 14 65-9204.jpgAS 14-65-9204 - Moonscape125 visitenessun commento

PSP_003545_2025_RED_abrowse-PCF-LXTT-01.jpgIntersection between Hyblaeus and Elysium Chasmata (EDM n.1 - Saturated Natural Colors; credits for the additional process. and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga - Lunexit Team)53 visiteA cross-section of Hyblaeus Chasma is visible in this first extra-detail mgnf).
The chasm seems to be filled with a resistant light-toned layer, about 200 mt thick (likely consisting of cemented windblown sand and dust) forming a mantling unit and overlying more resistant boulder-rich layers. The sand and dust was likely blown into Hyblaeus Chasma after it was formed by tectonic processes, possibly in combination with fluvial processes.
The chasmata were subsequently broadened by hillslope erosion: boulders are strewn along the top of this dusty mantling unit. Slumping, possibly caused by faulting, along the Southern Wall of Hyblaeus is visible at the intersection with Elysium Chasma.
This image also shows a number of dark streaks along the walls of Elysium Chasma, further to the south.MareKromium

APOLLO 11 AS11-37-5528.jpgAS 11-37-5528 - Neil Armstrong1308 visiteIl volto, apparentemente disteso - anche se stanco - di Neil Armstrong: il primo Uomo a mettere piede sulla Luna.
Le immagini della Luna possono essere genuine oppure possono essere state alterate.
La certezza al riguardo, forse, non l'avremo mai.
Ma non credo che sia possibile fare la stessa cosa con il volto dei due Protagonisti.
Armstrong sorride o ghigna? Cosa sta guardando?
E' "esaltato" e felice o ha paura?
Secondo Voi a che cosa sta pensando?

OPP-SOL671-1F187750747EFF64KCP1219L0M1.jpgFacing a strange outcrop (2) - Sol 67153 visiteOriginal caption:"Left Front Haz-Cam Non-linearized Full frame EDR acquired on Sol 671 of Opportunity's mission to Meridiani Planum at approximately 11:13:33 MLT".

as16-105-17071.jpgAS 16-105-17071 - Lunar Panorama (1)54 visiteStone Mountain

Ultimi arrivi |

Mars-9~0.jpgMars, Deimos and Phobos142 visitenessun commentoMareKromiumFeb 04, 2024

Voyagers-InterstellarSpace9-jpg.jpgVoyager 1 is still alive!112 visitenessun commentoMareKromiumFeb 04, 2024

Voyagers-InterstellarSpace8d.jpgThe Infinite and Beyond129 visitenessun commentoMareKromiumFeb 04, 2024

SOL0099-Mars_Perseverance_ZR2_0099_0675742510_553ECM_N0040218ZCAM01000_026080J.jpgSol 99 - Martian Sunny Afternoon104 visiteNASA's Mars Perseverance Rover acquired this image using its Right (Dx) MastCam-Z camera. MastCam-Z is a pair of cameras located high on the Rover's Mast.
This image was acquired on May 31, 2021 (Sol 99) at the Local Mean Solar Time of 16:08:16.MareKromiumGen 02, 2024

SOL0099-Mars_Perseverance_ZL0_0099_0675742205_223ECM_N0040218ZCAM08060_079085J.jpgSol 99 - Broken...120 visiteNASA's Mars Perseverance rover acquired this image using its Left (Sx) MastCam-Z camera. MastCam-Z is a pair of cameras located high on the Rover's Mast.
This image was acquired on May 31, 2021 (Sol 99) at the Local Mean Solar Time of 16:03:28.MareKromiumGen 02, 2024

Enceladus-PIA20522enceladusC.jpgCrescent Enceladus (Credits: NASA/JPL/Cassini Imaging Team)116 visitePeering from the shadows, the Saturn-facing hemisphere of tantalizing inner moon Enceladus poses in this Cassini spacecraft image. North is up in the dramatic scene captured during November 2016 as Cassini's camera was pointed in a nearly sunward direction about 130,000 kilometers from the moon's bright crescent. In fact, the distant world reflects over 90 percent of the sunlight it receives, giving its surface about the same reflectivity as fresh snow. A mere 500 kilometers in diameter, Enceladus is a surprisingly active moon. Data and images collected during Cassini's flybys have revealed water vapor and ice grains spewing from south polar geysers and evidence of an ocean of liquid water hidden beneath the moon's icy crust.MareKromiumDic 31, 2023

Moonlight.jpgDistortions... (Image Credit & Copyright: Giacomo Venturin)128 visite"...L'usanza comune a molti letterati di disprezzare il mondo moderno e' una maniera dissimulata di presumersi degni di un altro migliore..."
Aristide GabelliMareKromiumDic 31, 2023

SOL0805-WB-Mars_Perseverance_ZR0_0805_0738401772_785EBY_N0391170ZCAM08826_0340LMJ.jpgSol 805 - Dusty Landscape (White-Balanced Colors - Credits for the additional process and color.: Dr Paolo C. Fienga/LXTT/JPL))185 visitenessun commentoMareKromiumDic 31, 2023
